[20] Escape Route

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after the failed search for the gold, John B and I headed back to the chateau while everyone else went home. there was silence between us, neither of us knowing what to say to each other in the moment.

like, I didn't even want to mention the gold or what the next steps would be. I would open up a whole new possible argument if I mentioned anything pertaining to the gold anytime within the next twelve hours.

the both of us walked up the dock, then into the chateau as if it were any other day, but we didn't expect what we'd find inside.

"Hey buddy," a woman spoke, causing the two of us to stop in our tracks, "and you must be Miss Newton."

John B groaned, continuing to his kitchen, "you know, Cheryl, it's kind of a bad time for a check in."

"not a check - in," the woman spoke calmly, shrugging her shoulder, "We're here to take you two."

I looked at the woman like she was crazy. I knew the day would eventually come that DCS would come for John B and I, I just didnt think It would be this soon... and without any warning.

"sorry, but I won't be joining this bullshit," I raised my hand, pointing to the woman, "I don't think you unders-"

"no, kid, you don't understand," the woman began, "my job is to make sure kids aren't living on their own. I'm sure you two aren't the only ones, but you're the most relevant ones right now because of your cases."

"today? really?" John B asked, seeming completely cool with this.

I knew he was plotting something, he always was.

"It's just for a few weeks until your hearing."

"no, no, no. Cheryl, look," John B groaned, "we are not going into foster care, okay? we are not gonna go be a part of your little system. Ronnie and I are fine here."

the sound of a radio beeping brought my focus away from John B and the woman who threatened to take us away. a larger man practically appeared behind us, hovering over John B specifically.

John B has been in this case before, and he's ran off every single time.

"John B, this is Deputy Thomas," Cheryl introduced him, "he works with juveniles for the sheriffs department."

quickly, John B stood up and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the larger man.

"look, I know uncle T is down in Mississippi working at a casino. he hasn't been here in months"

"what?" John B scoffed, quickly turning around to try and run. Deputy Thomas was there to stop him, threatening to charge at the boy. "no, see, that's my nightmare right there. look, I -- I-- I want Emancipation."

"Emancipation from who?" Cheryl asked, "there's nobody here but you and Miss Newton."

"Uh.. asylum, then."

Now would be a perfect time for JJ to come walking into the chateau. I know John B is doing his best to protect the both of us from DCS right now, but I just know that JJ would be able to distract them enough for me and John B to make a run for it.

"look, lady," I began, "I don't know who the hell you are. For all I know, this could be a set up kidnapping. you are hilarious if you think that I am getting in a car with you and fucking Humpty Dumpty over there and going somewhere that I don't even know."

I turned the slightest towards Deputy Thomas, seeing his eyes glaring at me.

"and you, what the fuck are you gonna do, man?" I asked, "tackle me to the ground? tase me? make your move!"

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