[9] Empty Tank

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I didn't have the patience or attention span to listen to the entire conversation about whatever JJ's plan was as the Pogues, excluding John B, crowded into Squeaky.

"I'm going to say something controversial," I interjected, stealing a glance into the rearview mirror as I navigated through the cut.

"We wouldn't expect anything less," Pope sighed from the backseat.

I shot him a smile in the mirror, but our moment of banter was disrupted when Kiara's hand darted to the steering wheel as the car veered dangerously close to oncoming traffic.

"Seriously, Newton, are you trying to get us killed?" JJ's complaint filled the car. "Now, be controversial."

With a smirk, I leaned back. "You guys should consider that my ideas are better than JJ's."

"What idea?" JJ challenged. "I'm the only one who came up with something. You snuck off to finish up a bottle of tequila."

"You were drinking?!" Pope's voice rose in alarm.

"Relax, I'm not drunk," I groaned, shooting JJ a pointed look. "God, look what you did, J."

"What I d—"

"Pull over the damn car, Ronnie," Kiara demanded.

I complied without hesitation. I knew better than to defy Kiara, especially when she was already on edge.

Pope swiftly took over the driver's seat, nudging me to the back next to JJ. Not that I minded the change.

"So, what would your idea have been anyway, Ron?" JJ's mischievous smirk was evident in his voice.

"That depends," I shrugged. "What's the situation?"

Pope's groan filled the car. "Holy shit," he muttered. "Do you even know what's going on right now?"

"All I know is that I've got to stop day drinking."

"Damn right you do," Kiara mumbled, shooting me a pointed glare.


Within the next half-hour, we found ourselves seated on John B's boat, heading towards the marsh with scuba gear "borrowed" from the Camerons. I eyed the oxygen tanks and masks with growing fascination.

"I call dibs on going under," I volunteered eagerly.

"Not a chance," Kiara shot back without hesitation.

"But I'm sober now," I protested, eyeing the scuba gear longingly.

"That doesn't matter," Kiara replied, turning to John B. "You grabbed empty tanks, doofus."

John B shook his head, flustered. "I—"

Kiara examined the tanks and found one that was a quarter full. "Alright, this one's enough for one of us."

I chuckled, folding my arms. "I'm guessing I'm not even a contender?"

"Not even close," Pope chimed in. "You almost killed us on the way here."

"Guys, I'll do it," John B volunteered. "Even though diving is definitely a kook sport."

The group teased Kiara, who shook her head. "Hell no."

"Look, I've read about it—" John B began.

I raised my hand, cutting him off dramatically. "It was nice knowing you, JB."

"Anyways," Pope interrupted, "the boat is about thirty feet down. It'll take twenty-five minutes at most at that depth. When you come up, you need to stop at ten feet for three minutes."

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