[2] The Pogues

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"Alright, here's the plan," JJ declared, adjusting his red baseball hat backward and sliding on his sunglasses. "Ron, you've got to distract the guy behind the counter while I grab the beer and make a run for it."

I let out a sigh. "Well, that's a lousy plan, J," I pointed out. "Especially since that's Will's truck right there, which means he's working today."

"Shit," John B muttered, spotting the owner's truck in the lot. "Alright, Ronnie, leave the back door open while you're in there so you guys can just run out and jump in."

I nodded, stepping out of the van with JJ. "I'm leaving the shirt in the car," I whispered to him, tossing the T-shirt into the back of the van before we got too far. "We're gonna need all the luck we can get."

JJ smirked, taking a quick glance at me. He'd be lying if he said he never had a crush on me—I've always been told that I was gorgeous, which added to my high ego. Plus, all three of the boys have had a crush on me and Kie at some point in our lives.

As soon as we walked into the small convenience store, JJ immediately headed towards the beverage aisle while I approached the cash register.

"What can I get you, young lady?" Will asked, trying to keep his eyes on my face rather than my chest.

I gave him a toothy smile, trying to act all nice and innocent. One thing I was good at was lying. "I was wondering what flavor puff bars you've got in stock."

Will smirked. "You seem young to be smoking. You got some ID?"

"Oh, I'm flattered," I giggled, reaching into my bikini top and pulling out my fake ID. It would've been smart for me to just use that to buy beer, but I didn't have any cash on me. "Just turned twenty-one last week," I stated, pointing to the date of birth.

Will nodded, then walked away. "I'll grab you some flavors to choose from," he said casually.

Once he was fully turned away, my smile grew large as I snuck over to the chip display, which was right near where JJ was stood with three cases of beer, ready to make a run for it. "Go," I said with a laugh, grabbing three bags of chips and running after him out of the store.

"HEY!" Will shouted, jumping over the counter to chase us.

"Go, go, go!" JJ instructed John B as he jumped into the back, holding the door open for me as I quickly approached.

When I jumped into the Twinkie, I crashed right into JJ. My face would've smashed right into the bench if JJ hadn't grabbed me and pulled me back.

"Were the chips necessary?" JJ asked, seeing the three bags of Doritos on the floor of the van.

"You can't have a party without snacks, J," I said, grabbing the shirt I had thrown in there before and pulling it over my head. I tried not to smell the shirt, knowing it smelled like JJ. Even though I loved the smell, I didn't want to make it obvious.

"Shit!" I exclaimed suddenly as I realized what time it was.

John B jumped, spooked by the sudden loud shout. "Jesus, don't do that when I'm driving!" he complained.

"Drive me to the chateau; I gotta go home," I said. "I have work in ten minutes!"

"Ron, what the hell?" JJ complained. "Did you not know that ten minutes ago?"

I shook my head. "Obviously not!" I said. "I'm going to get fired if I miss one more day."

The two boys groaned. I had been working a lot since I'd gotten Squeaky; the insurance and gas money were a lot to stay on top of, especially for a Pogue.

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