Quality Time

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I could practically taste summer break, it was right around the corner and I couldn't be more excited. My parents are doing a lot better money wise and decided to buy me a plane ticket back to dominica to spend the summer with them, I haven't seen them in so long I practically cried when my mom surprised me with it over the phone.

As much as Im excited to see my home, Jasper wouldn't be able to come with me, he's been busy with helping Carlisle complete research and controlling his bloodlust, besides—my parents are too strict when it comes to relationships, we wouldn't be able to be in the same room alone despite my age. Being apart from him genuinely hurts, but I hope it isn't too bad, I tend to get a lot of anxiety alone, im trying to work on that.

I make it through the door and take my coat off, Brie is at the dining table with a 'friend' if hers shes been getting to know, I personally think this friend is secretly her boyfriend, but ill wait until she tells me herself before I assume~ I go up to my room and finish the rest of my homework I started at lunch, it wasn't too late, I look at my clock to see a big fat eight thirty-seven. "Got damnit, I did it again!" I slam my notebook closed and stuff it in my book bag, I had planned on going out, but I guess not. It had just hit twilight and there has been an increase in murders recently. Brie wouldn't let me out of her sight past eight!

I roll on my back and lay like a starfish, I ponder about the past months of my junior year, I have come so far from the once extremely insecure girl that I used to be, I got to be...me for once, I let a smile fall onto my lips and let my eyes close, a tear runs down my cheek and my mind goes silent, I soak up the sweet silence around me.

I hear my door click and feel my bed dip beneath me, I instantly knew who it was by how fast it happened, I open my eyes and sit up to find my beautiful boyfriend smiling and looking at me with his gorgeous bright yellow eyes, he must have just hunted, which means im free to leap into his arms with little consequence.

I leap up and wrap my arms around his nick, he hugs me back tightly and it gives me such a euphoric feeling, I cant help but shudder at his touch—in a non sexual way of course.

He falls back on my bed and takes me with him, "what were you thinking about to feel so happy?"

Still with a smile on his face he turns to look at me, "I was thinking about myself actually."

"Oh really?" He raises an eyebrow and it makes me giggle. "Yes really, I was thinking about how far I've come, im so different from when I first came to Forks." "Yeah you are, you were so closed off when we first met."

A new idea sparks into my head when he says this, "Jasper."

"Hm?", "what was your first impression of me?"

"Well, the first time you had ever walked through the classroom door, my first thought was—'shes stunning'." "Oh! Stop lying, I was so timid and uncomfortable." I was in disbelief, there was no way he thought that the very first time he saw me, it was as if 'uncomfortable and insecure' was a real person.

"I could feel how uncomfortable you were, but that wasn't the impression you left me with, if my stomach was just a bit emptier, you wouldn't be here with me today. When you walked to your seat, it was as if the smell of a sweet fragrant dessert had smacked me in the face and throat, I almost leaped out of my seat!"

I had wondered why he looked so angry, "you looked pissed that day, I thought you hated me." "For a while I did, but that was an excuse, a cover for what I really felt, I didn't want to admit it to myself. So I slowly built up my tolerance to talk to you, it was so difficult, but even when I came to your house, nothing could prepare me for the amount of bloodlust that came rushing at me, your house is obviously full of your scent, I was so nervous I would ruin asking you out, I struggled forming sentences." He chuckled and shook his head.

"No way, you seemed so confident!", "not. At. All." He shook his head with every word, we both laughed in unison and he changed the topic. "Are you ready to go to see your parents tomorrow?" No one but Jasper knew how nervous I was about that, it was difficult being away from each other for a week, not to mention four. "It feels like I am, but I have that weird underlying feeling y'know?"

"Yeah, I do too. It'll be fine, you're strong." I love when he reassures me about everything, he changes my mood so fast, even without his power. He gives me a peck on the lips and that peck turns into a deep kiss. "Do you want to come home with me?" Oh my god I wish, "I cant, Brie is worried about those disappearances, she wont let me out of her sight.", "its fine, as long as I come and pick you up and come back with you she'll be fine, she trusts me." He has a point, Jasper's a muscular, six foot-three vampire, he can definitely handle himself and protect me at the same time, of course Brie doesn't know he's a vampire, but anyone would have enough sense to not mess with him.

"I'll be around here in twenty, make sure you're ready, and pack a bag." He smiles and winks at me before disappearing out of my door. I can feel my face get hot, I have to hurry and calm myself before telling brie.

Brie says yes and Jasper shows up at my door, he greets brie and we leave.

"Abril, it's good to see you again." Esme greets me with a hug and so does Alice, it feels good to be loved. "How've you been?" Alice asks me as she practically steals me from Jasper, i can hear his protests as she drags me to the kitchen and sits me down, we talk for a good twenty minutes before she brings me back to Jasper, we had a nice little talk about when out next hang out session would be.

"Alice really urks me sometimes, I swear." Jasper mumbles to himself as we walk to his room upstairs. We make it to his room and he pushes the door open revealing a gorgeous bedroom with its main source of light being fairy lights, theres a bed facing the big window for a wall, the walls are decorated in some of my favorite things and places, tears well in my eyes, he remembered.

Im a very sentimental person, so he knew I would like all of the decor he had put. There was a bookshelf in the corner of the room dedicated to my favorite books and shows, the tears finally drop. "Im guessing you like it?" He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder, "yes, I love it."

"Come on, let's go lay down." He stayed with me on the bed and we talked, eventually I grew tired and fell asleep laying on his chest, it was hard and cold, but I didn't mind because it was him.

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