Beach House

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A little dirty!!⚠️

It's springtime, and you know what that means! Sunnier, warmer days, and less time with Jasper at school... ughhh.

"Hey! Abril, hows my favorite girl?" Sean calls from the opposite side of the cafeteria as I walk in. It's slightly embarrassing, but I've gotten used to it with the way Jasper draws attention to the both of us by just existing. "Hey! Im fine, how've you been?"

"Ive been absolutely perfect; how was your break?" I wanted to giggle at myself with that question, me and the Cullens—even sometimes Brie would spend time at Dr. Cullen and Mrs. Esme's private beach house in Seattle, me and Jasper would sometimes have the place to ourselves and we would make out. "It was just lovely!" I exaggerate my tone, put the back of my hand on my forehead, and sigh, "You and Jasper spend a bunch of time together like always." Sean raised an eyebrow and nudged my shoulder. "You know it." I giggle, and he also laughs. Sean has become somewhat of a close friend these past few months. I'm not sure; it just kind of happened.

"Speaking of Blondie, where is he?", "He's visiting his family out of state." Ever since I became part of the Cullens secret, it's been my duty to have a lie in the chamber. Every time someone asks me where they are, it comes to me with ease now. But it has been getting really boring at school without having my boyfriend around. Im glad I get to experience being a somewhat normal teenager—of course, I still try and keep up with my grades. I've been getting a bit more C's, but that's not too bad; it's not like I don't know the material; I was just absent, and I make sure I study harder on weekends to make up for it.

I make it home from school, get undressed, and eat. Afterward, I instantly get started on my homework so it can be done, and out of the way, in reality, I want to distract myself from the fact that Jasper is off hunting and I won't be with him, so near the end of my homework, I slow down a bit. I inevitably reach the end of the English homework I was assigned; it was about the classic, tragic story of Romeo and Juliet. I read the book in my free time, so I already know about the majority of the topic.

I sigh and plop back on my bed, spread out like a starfish. I get bored way too easily; maybe I can call Sean and ask him to hang out. I jump up and fly out my room door down the stairs to the phone in the living room to make my impromptu call when suddenly an accented voice speaks behind me, "Making plans without me, darlin'?" I jump and turn around to find the bright yellow-eyed Jasper in my living room. "Jasper!" I hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek. "What are you doing back so early?"

"There were a lot of animals in one place, and I ended up getting a nice amount of them in one session." He smiled, but there was a bit of sadness in it. I know it's difficult to feel what his prey feels, so I give him a sympathetic look and rub his arm. "I made plans for us." His smile returns to a happy one, and he gives me a peck on the cheek. "What is it?" We're going back to the beach house this weekend, and... He smirks and pauses his sentence to give the illusion of suspense. I hate it when he does that.

"And...what?" I raise one of my eyebrows, and he finally answers. "We're going to have it all to ourselves." His smirk turns into a full-on mischievous grin: "Seriously?", "Yes, seriously."

So, so many scenarios flood my mind with what could possibly happen and how it would happen. It makes my heart rate increase and blood pump to certain areas of my body that I didn't know could have a heartbeat. "Aht, aht, control yourself, Abril."

UGH, screw controlling myself; I want to be laid! My hormones are raging right now! I roll my eyes and go upstairs to pack my bag. While I was doing so, I called Brie and told her where I was going. She trusts the Cullens and me, so she doesn't make a fuss. Jasper grabs my bag, and we get into the car. Eventually, we make it to the beach house, and by that time, it was an hour past sundown, a.k.a. twilight.

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