72. Whistle!

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"I freaked out at her Poppy."

"I'm sure she gets it all the time." Poppy assured nonchalantly.

"No, poppy, I really went crazy." Ted countered. Poppy turned away from the stove wiping her hands on a towel before moving to him. He took fast breaths until her hands slipped into his.

"Ted, look at me. Look at me... breathe in the flowers blow out the candles."

"What?" Ted rasped meeting her gaze.

"Breathe in the flowers," She took a deep breath and Ted copied her. "Blow out the candles." She requested letting out a deep breath.

"I like that." Ted agreed relaxing.

"I thought you would." Poppy agreed. "Lets go watch that cowboy movie you like and snuggle up in bed until all your anxieties fade away." Poppy suggested.

"You always know what to say." Ted agreed.


"You dont have to go back." Poppy reminded ted. "I mean you do have to go back to the club but not to her office for a meeting."

"I have to apologize." Ted corrected.

"Of course you do because you are too good for this world."

They drove in silence, Poppy's hand in his as she drove. He gave her a quick kiss before taking a deep breath and heading in.

"Is Ted okay?" Birdie questioned putting her book down as Poppy helped her out of her seat.

"He will be... some things take time you know that." Poppy assured. "But he will be great in no time, no matter what though, he loves you."

"And you." Birdie agreed.

"And look, I'm... I'm really sorry about that, you know. Getting all worked up and saying stuff like that, then storming outta here."

"It happens." Sharon assured Ted. "Self-care can be scary. Fight or flight is a natural response. You just happened to do both. Impressive range really."

"Yeah, well, watch your back, Glenn Close." Ted chuckled. "So you think I'm scared, huh?"

"Yes, I do."

"Yeah." Ted admitted softly. "Maybe I don't wanna learn the truth."

"Ted, the truth will set you free. But first, it'll piss you off."

"Well, then maybe your new nickname should be "The Truth"." Ted mused.

"Well, I can't be your mentor without occasionally being your tormentor".

"Ooh, I like that."

"I knew you would." Sharon agreed. "Let's get started, shall we?"

"I want to play on the pitch."

"I want to play on the pitch too!" Poppy agreed. Birdie jumped up.

"Oh no, the boys are out there." Birdie shook her head.

"Lets go anyways."

"Where did ted go?" Birdie questioned.

"To talk to moody sharon."

"Oh okay... why?"

"Because hopefully it will help."

"Help what?" Birdie countered

"Talking to her." Poppy answered.

"He can talk to us. Im a good listener." Birdie assured.

"I know you are. He will talk to us. Just needs some time."

"He still loves us right?"

"Soo so much!" Ted declared. Birdie jumped up running to him.

"Are you all better now?" Birdie questioned kissing his cheek.

"Im working on it." Ted smiled back at poppy.


"Well, basically, I just wanted to make an apology." Nate remarked when Ted gave him the floor. "Uh, Colin, um,  yesterday I was a bit of a, uh, you know, uh..."




"Wounded butterfly."

"Tiny ears!" Birdie declared running behind Roy.

"Yes. I was a cocky, prickish, wounded butterfly's asshole, um..." Nate agreed. "but I... I really am sorry, and it... it won't happen again, so..."

" It's all good, boyo." Colin assured.

"All right, fellas! Hey! So here's the plan today." Ted clapped out gathering them. "Peas and carrots, you're going with Coach Roy. Rest of you beef chunks are coming with me. Let's go to work."


"Starters with Roy, reserves with Coach." Beard declared.

"Just say that then." Jamie muttered.

"Oi! I said, "Whistle!"" Roy shouted as Birdie rode on teds shoulders.

"Roy, why don't you just use an actual whistle?'

"I told you, my lips are sensitive to impure metals and whistles give me mouth hives." Roy answered.

"Icky." Birdie declared.

"I know." Roy agreed.


"You know, the kind of moments where you stay up, talking, and before you know it, it's six o'clock in the morning and you're watching the sun rise together and you don't realize how tired you are because talking to this girl is way better than sleeping could ever be." Ted remarked. Beard hesitated glancing to his phone. His girl drove him crazy and not in the good way most days but he loved Jane.

"Honestly I'm so glad when she goes to sleep, I get a break." Beard admitted. Ted chuckled. "But that's nice if you are talking about Poppy."

"I am." Ted agreed. "And I don't know how anyone could hurt her because she is the best thing in the world."

"Her former coach?" Beard pondered.

"You don't know the half of it and its not my story to tell." Ted admitted. "But I see the light in her. That others tried to extinguish and I just want to be there for her constantly to help her, to let her know I'm there but when I was hurting I pushed her away... I didn't let do what I know she wanted to do, to help me. As I would have done if and when she needs me... "

"So you spent the night talking about nothing." Beard realized.

"It's was still the best. Still made me smile and made me forget about my problems..."

"You want to talk about it yet?" Beard pondered.

"No." Ted corrected. "I mean I am... working on it but..."

"Say no more, I get it."

"You do?''

"No but I can pretend I do for you, pal."

Paris / Ted LassoWhere stories live. Discover now