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My brother Alexander's voice sliced through the haze of my thoughts, jolting me back to reality with an abruptness that left me reeling. What had I been thinking? I, Adrian Darkwood, eldest of my kind, never allowed myself to be so easily ensnared by the charms of a mere mortal. 

Yet, her scent, the tantalizing hue of her olive skin, the depth of her light brown eyes—they had woven a spell around me, clouding my senses and luring me into a conversation I had never intended to have.

With a surge of urgency, I attempted to wield the power of hypnosis, seeking to erase this encounter from her memory and preserve the secrecy of our kind. But to my astonishment, she remained steadfast, her gaze unflinching as she stared back at me with an unsettling clarity.

"This is no good," I muttered under my breath, frustration simmering beneath the surface.

 Before Alexander could draw any closer, I made my decision. With a subtle nod, I turned on my heel and vanished into the shadows, leaving behind the remnants of a conversation that should never have taken place.

As I glanced back over my shoulder, a flicker of doubt gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Had my power failed to leave its mark, or had she simply chosen to defy it? The answer eluded me, hidden within the depths of her inscrutable gaze—a gaze that lingered in my mind long after she had vanished from my sight.

As I made my way through the dense foliage, the echo of my brother's voice lingered in the air like a haunting melody. Alex emerged from the shadows, his gaze piercing through the darkness with an intensity that matched my own. 

He questioned me about the girl, a rare occurrence given his usual reticence. But I remained silent, unable to articulate the inexplicable pull she held over me.

In my mind, questions swirled like storm clouds on the horizon. Why was I drawn to her scent, like a moth to a flame? And why, despite my powers of hypnosis, could I not bend her will to mine?

Whatever she is...She is interesting...

I was not like other vampires; I possessed a power that transcended our kind, I am capable of manipulating people thoughts, a gift—or curse—that set me apart from my brethren.

As the weight of silence pressed down upon us, the arrival of my other two brothers offered a temporary reprieve. Each bore the marks of our lineage, yet their individuality shone through like stars in the night sky.

I, Adrian, stood as the eldest among us, my shoulders bearing the weight of responsibility that came with our legacy. My name whispered of ancient strength and resilience, a mantle I wore with both pride and trepidation.

Alexander cum Alex, the stoic and resolute, carried himself with the quiet dignity befitting his station. His unwavering commitment to our family's traditions was a testament to his unwavering resolve.

Nikolai cum Nike , the youngest, exuded a restless energy that belied his years. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he approached with a playful grin, his irreverent spirit a source of both amusement and frustration.

And then there was Mikhail cum Mike, the quiet observer who preferred the shadows to the spotlight. Even though Nik and Mike are twins, they both are total opposites.  His silent presence spoke volumes, his keen intellect and intuition a valuable asset to our familial bond.

"Time to make our grand entrance, brothers, and let the people of India know that the Darkwood legacy has arrived!" Nike's grin was infectious, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.

 "Isn't it curious how, no matter how many times we attend these fresher's parties, it always feels like the very first? What say you all?"

"Ah, baby brother, ever the instigator of mischief," Mike remarked with a chuckle, his tone affectionate yet teasing as he nudged his twin brother. "But who are we to resist your persuasive charm?"

Nike's protest at being labeled the "baby brother" only served to fuel our laughter, his indignation met with playful jibes from the rest of us. 

"Oh, come now, Nike, don't be so modest," Alex chimed in, his grin widening mischievously. "We all know you secretly relish the attention."

With laughter ringing in our ears, we made our way toward our quarters to get ready for the fresher's parties.

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