CHAPTER 10 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*:.*

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(Please be warned that the scenes below are going to be marked mature for being semi-sensual and sexy)


Never did it occur in Mary's life that she would do something foolish and also...daring. The former description would have been what Grim and her uptight boyfriend call it but if it was Leona or Lilia, the two probably are going to give a thumbs up and proud faces.

Garbed in her soft blue long-sleeved nightdress, the redhead slipped out of the bedchamber barefooted to avoid causing unnecessary noises.

I have no idea where to start looking but if I don't start now, I'll be stuck! Yes, these thoughts are produced by the foreign but delicious mug of creamy coffee and dinner sent to her room earlier. To think Victor would go far and be hospitable, huh? Okay back to the matter at hand... So Mary tiptoed, looking left and right, peeking at corners to check first if any men or whatever were lurking this hour.

"I thought I was seeing ghosts but turns out it was someone who suddenly decided to break a rule" A whispered breathing near her shoulder, "I didn't peg you to be a rule-breaker"

Mary bit hard on her lower lip to prevent a scream, she whirled around and came face-to-face with a deadpanned Ellis.

He didn't look pleased with her out in the hall, "You are not good at acting like a phantom thief, Mary, get back in your room, or would you rather William finds you?"

This made her shake her head, "No please not him! And Ellis hear me out!" She looked up at him with pleading green eyes.

"You have 1 minute" Ellis narrowed his eyes, goddamn, why did he feel so familiar with her?

1 minute started and Mary took this literally, "I want to see Riddle, please! Just this once! I beg you!" Tears welled.

The tall dark blue-haired man pursued his lips, his narrowed gaze went sideward as he pondered this. He wanted to say no, that was the initial and proper decision but there was this subtle tug in his heart. Damn it, the others are going to get him for this. "Fine, I will take you there but only once, you better be quick. If I get myself in trouble I will make you pay, clear?"

And while internally grumbling to himself about suddenly making an out-of-the-box choice, Ellis brought an excited Mary to the 2nd basement beneath their mansion headquarters where their captive was. He didn't hide the rolling of his eyes after seeing the mushy look on Mary's face after seeing Riddle, he couldn't stand being in this room with them so he walked out.

Meanwhile, Mary forgot about Ellis and quickly threw herself in Riddle's arms. "I missed you!" She wasn't bothered that the room was dim, cold, and not an ideal spot for this reunion with her beloved.

Riddle was shocked and quickly recovered, his arms were wrapped tightly around Mary's waist, pulling her closer. "Alice, I missed you more" He wanted to burst into tears, and at the same time, he was filled with questions about why she was here. "What are you doing here?! Did they abduct you?! Are they hurting you?!"

She placed a finger on his lips, "Shh no, I will tell you in due time, right now I just want to enjoy this moment with you and I can't stay here long, I begged Ellis to take me so please let us not waste it" Mary buried her face on the crook of his neck.

Riddle complied reluctantly, her warmth and familiar scent gave soothing to his nerves and she was right, they needed to make the most out of this stolen moment and not waste it on anything else. "I love you, you know that?"

"I know and I love you more"

"No, I love you most"

"I love you to the moon and stars back"

"Stop competing with me Alice, I love you today and the lifetime next" Riddle held her face with both hands, caressing her cheeks with his thumb.

Mary smiled, euphoric. "You used to hate me back in NRC when I first came to the ceremony and thought I was clueless"

"You are MY clueless, I think I already loved you then" Riddle leaned closer, and their lips met in a kiss that began sweet but he deepened it, his tongue tangling with hers and wholeheartedly exploring her wet caverns.

Mary fluttered her eyes closed, responding to the kiss, wanting to convey all her love to this amorous gesture, and then she felt Riddle's hands begin exploring her body with heated touches, pulling off the sleeves of her dress. ", I am not confident–" Her face was flustered.

"What are you talking about? You are always beautiful" Riddle leaned lower as he became successful in taking her dress off completely, he placed kisses on her collarbone and was ecstatic to find the necklace he gave around her neck. This was their first time to be this more intimate with each other. Always beautiful and mine... The gorgeous form before him was his alone.

"Tsk" Ellis was scowling nonstop, he wanted to go berserk and ruin their moment but for some unexplained reason, he couldn't find it in him to disturb the couple. He told Mary only a few minutes but suddenly they decided this was the best time to show their love more to each other, what a way to sprinkle salt on his face.

Good thing the other occupants of the mansion were not awake or lurking around. Hopefully not.

Mary came out, she was freaking glowing and still had a flustered face. She couldn't look Ellis in the eyes. "...Sorry it took me long and thank you for bringing me here again"

"I don't even want to know" Ellis palmed his cheek and exhaled, he led her out of the basement and spared a glance at Mary's way; it was noticeable how much she was in love and blooming, it was undeniable how her beauty alleviated further. I never know, I've never been in love before.

Before Mary returned to her bed-chamber, she reached out for Ellis' wrist. "Thank you again...for being nice"

Nice? A tug again in his heart and it infuriated him more. "Do not misunderstand my actions, Mary" Ellis glared, pushing her against the wall, both hands caging her sides. "You think I enjoy standing guard while you have an escapade with your boyfriend? You owe me big time" Then he pushed her away, seeing sadness and hurt paint her face made him guilty but he didn't want to.

Why should he feel guilty? She was not a stellar guest in their headquarters! Tsk, what a painful evening it is. 

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