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The rhythmic clatter of the train echoed in my ears as I gazed out at the passing landscape, bidding farewell to the familiar sights of Tamil Nadu. My parents, Rajesh and Anjali Sharma, prominent real estate owners in Chennai, had always envisioned a future for me within the family business. Though I am well aware I can't dare to have such dreams, I reluctantly agreed to pursue an MBA to fulfill their wishes for at least a short period of time.

However, I made one condition: I would do it on my own terms. Shimla, nestled amidst the serene beauty of Himachal Pradesh, became my chosen destination. It was my chance to go on the long pending hunt.

Determination churned within me as I stepped onto the platform, inhaling the crisp mountain air with a mixture of anticipation and resolve. Hailing a taxi, I made my way to the PG accommodation nestled amidst the lush surroundings of Shimla's hills.

Eager to explore my new surroundings, I ventured into the forest, where verdant foliage beckoned me to embrace the unknown. Lost in the tranquility of nature, I barely noticed the stranger who emerged from the shadows.

His presence was commanding, towering over me with a statuesque frame that exuded strength and power. His skin, a pale porcelain, seemed to glow ethereally and his eyes, oh those mesmerizing eyes, were a striking shade of yellow that held me captive, their intensity piercing through the depths of my soul. Unfazed by his enigmatic aura, I met his stare head-on, refusing to be intimidated.

"Watch where you're going, miss," he chided gently, though a hint of amusement danced in his eyes.

Undeterred, I stood my ground, my voice tinged with defiance. "I'm quite capable of watching my step, thank you," I retorted, my resolve unwavering.

Surprise flickered in his eyes, but he recovered quickly, his lips curving into a wry smile. "Apologies if I offended you," he said, his tone conceding to my boldness. 

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Adrian Darkwood."

The name sent a shiver down my spine, though its significance eluded me. Darkwood. It sounded familiar, yet distant, like a half-remembered dream.

As he extended his hand in greeting, I hesitated for a moment before taking it in mine.

 "I'm Aanya," I replied, my voice steady despite the flutter of nerves in my stomach. "Aanya Sharma."

And in that moment, amidst the tranquil beauty of the forest, I felt a spark of something indescribable ignite within me. But before either of us could speak, a voice shattered the silence.

"Adrian, it's time," came the call, echoing through the trees. I can't see the person clearly because the tree was hiding him. But i can saw with his masculine voice, he should be around my age. Whoever it is, I hate him now for breaking this unreal filmy moment.

Adrian's expression hardened, a flicker of regret passing through his eyes before he turned to face the direction of the voice. 

"I'll be there," he replied, his tone heavy with resignation.

With a final glance in my direction, Adrian offered a small nod before disappearing into the shadows, leaving me alone amidst the whispering trees.

As I watched him go, a sense of unease settled over me, like the first ominous rumblings of a coming storm. 

"It's time to face reality," I muttered to myself, steeling my resolve as I set out to find my PG room.

BLACK NIGHT LOVE - BOOK 1: NEW WORLD Where stories live. Discover now