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Author pov
They all tried their best even more then their capabilities. They got their result.
Aadish is happy with 86% while Reyansh is not even satisfied with 98%.
Aaradhya is satisfied with 90% but her parents expected more. Shyna and her parents both are happy with her 88%.
At least some one is happy. They spend their holidays differently. Aaradhya went on vacation with her cousin, Aadish spend his holiday with his beautiful bike. Reyansh spend her holiday all alone in his home and Shyna gone to meet her father.
Now a new chapter of their life is gonna start. They have to decide their careers stream. With all this they all gonna face a very big change their life. Will they really gonna accept this changes or not?

Shyna pov
Its 3rd April Monday, its the first day of the new session. I am so excited. Like now we are seniors, everyone would be scared of us.. that's not new actually because everyone is already scared of Aaradhya and due to this many boys not even talk to me.
Today is not only the first day of new session but also i am gonna tell Aaradhya a very important truth which she should know. I cant wait to tell her about this.
Ohhh i am too nervous. I took a quick bath and style my hair in a dutch fishtail braided ponytail, put on my sunscreen and kajal and done.
I just got ready and make sure my sibling is also ready. Before leaving i checked last time that everything is done.
"Its all done."I said
"Hey why are you still here are you not gonna come." My sister ask me because they are already took their seats in van but i am still standing outside the house.
"i am waiting for Aaradhya her uncle gifted her a bullet on her birthday so..."
"Okay okay we just want to know you are coming or not." My brother asked me with little irritated face.
"Okay..its  great for us at least now we can sit peacefully in van." He said in a mocking way. What should i do with this brat.
They went school on van.  We are rich but not that much.
I waited for sometime and here she is.
She came on her black bullet with full confidence.Her hair is tied in a simple lose braid and she is wearing 3 metal rings, a simple watch and our friendship bracelet in her left hand. Her look is simple, elegant and attractive as usual.
"Come we are already late!!"
She start her bullet and we start heading toward school. She is in good mood. Its the right time to tell her.
Aaradhya pov
We are just 10 min away from school. Sun is shining happily and clouds are also looking too beautiful, not so hot winds are blowing today .Todays weather is great.
"I need tell you something.."
"Say" i am in very good mood today i can listen anything.
"Actually.."she is taking too much time.
"Shyna tell na.. i don't have this much patience."
"I will tell you in class."
We are just chit chatting about new teachers and new people in class when..
Oh shit a  creackhead is coming in full speed on his bike. Is he dumb. What he is doing. I horned the bike and even try to change my direction but.... In the end we both got into a accident our bike got collides. Me and shyna both got little injured. And now i am not at all in a good mood..
Aadish pov
Everything is good until my bike got a little misbalanced in midway. Like what i am thinking. I think because of this we got into an accident? I am not injured this much, thanks to my height but, unfortunately the great Reyansh fall off during this great collision of bikes. And on top of this the person i got into accident is non other than Shyna and that 5feet Aaradhya like why. This session starting is super great.
Author pov
Aaradhya got up and help Shyna to get up too. She start walking furiously toward Aadish and Reyansh.
"Hey if you don't know how to a ride a fucking bike than plss leave it." She says seeing directly in Aadish eyes with lit of anger.
Before Aadish could say something to her Reyansh come between them.
"You know very well how to ride a bike." Reyansh say in a sarcastic tone.
"Yeah i know very well more than your friend."
"Yeah we all just see your great skills."
"Hey who are you?"
Aadish just gonna say again but this time Shyna interrupt him.
"He is Aadish friend...Reyansh."
"Ohh so you are Reyansh we are in same class but still i didn't see you much. Look like you are good boy that's why you never get in my radar."
"Ohh but guess what! i saw you very often standing in class."
Their argument continued and slowly start getting heat up.
Aadish gesture shyna to stop the fight she also do the same.
"You are ridiculous like now you are saying its all my fault because I am a girl  and i don't know how to ride a bike. Seriously!  which era are you from?"
"Its not an old era thought, girls should not do things like this, girls should be well mannered. Oh my mistake calling you a girl is not right. A ill mannered and aggressive..."
"Shut up you dickhead!!"
"What do you say.."
"STOP IT." Shyna and Aadish yelled together.
"Stop both of you. Enough now. Aaradhya I am sorry discussion end here." Aadish say and he took Reyansh with him and Shyna took Aaradhya with her. Its a crazy starting of new journey.
Shyna pov
Why my luck is just so bad. Today i am gonna tell her that I Like Reyansh. Yeah i know its weird but yes i like him. And today both of them got into fight,now how i gonna tell her about this..GREAT!!

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