Just the way you are [Rohit - Shreyas]

Start from the beginning

Virat also noticed Shreyas being really quiet, staying aloof from others. He was just not himself. He saw Rohit being busy-- as Rohit was only the one who could get through Shreyas.

"Are you okay Shrey? Is your back hurting?", asked Virat softly.

Why everyone has to remind him of his injury, how fragile he was.

"I know I am injured, you don't need to remind me every single time", snapped Shreyas gaining everyone's attention specially Rohit's. Virat stood there dumbfounded.

"Shreyas", Rohit said sternly and Shreyas just went from there without sparing glance to anyone.

Virat went towards Rohit and dragged him by his arm, "Excuse us for a min", he said to the staff without caring about anything.

"Are you mad?"

"What did I do Vi? Why are you dragging me like this? I didn't shout at you"

Virat facepalmed himself, "Idiot, haven't you noticed Shrey? He has been so different and now you yelled at him", he said exasperated.

"But the way he--"

"How dumb are you Ro?", Virat interrupted him in between and smacked his arm.

Rohit thought for a bit, 'he has been so different' and then remembered how he saw Shreyas sad and teary when he said about getting out of nets.

"Ohh, I got to talk to him"

"Finally, God had a little mercy on me. Now go, why are you standing here?"

Rohit saw around and asked confused, "Now?"

Virat folded his hand on his chest and asked him raising his eyebrows, "Then when Ro? After we retire?"

"But practice", Rohit asked and Virat gritted his teeth in annoyance.


"Going", he ran from there seeing Virat's annoyed face.


Rohit reached the hotel and went to Shreyas's room, he knocked the door but he didn't get any response from the other side.

"Shreyas, it's me open the door", he tried again.

"I am sorry", Rohit heard a small voice from other side.

"I know, open the door atleast"

"I want to be alone"

"Stop acting like a kid Shreyas, open the door now"

Suddenly the door was opened, Rohit entered and saw everything scattered. He sighed knowing him and his ways to deal with his emotions.

Rohit started to pick up the things, "Don't do that, you are here to scold me-- do that and go", Shreyas said taking the bat from his hands.

And then Rohit noticed Shreyas properly, red eyes from crying, shoulders slumped indicating the under confidence in his demeanour, dark circles and pale face due to lack of sleep-- how the fuck he missed this?

Rohit took Shreyas to the balcony, made him sit and offered him water. Once done, he kneeled infront of him taking his hand in his.

"Yas, what is it?", Rohit asked in the softest and gentle voice he could.

Shreyas looked at him and saw concern written all over his face.

"Everything", he said looking down.

Rohit sighed, "everything includes?", he asked wanting him to open up.

"Aren't you supposed to understand it? Or you have become bored of me, disappointed in me because I am a brat. You don't like me anymore. I am trying to change Rohit bhaiya-- I will change for you, I will become more mature, I won't act like a brat but please don't be disappointed in me-- it feels like whole world is against me", Shreyas blabbered and broke into a sob.

Disappointed in me, I am a brat.

I will change for you, act more mature.

These words were ringing in Rohit's head.

First, he hugged the poor kid, his Yas sobbing uncontrollably. Shreyas buried his head in his shoulder.

"I am so fragile, I always get injured", Shreyas mumbled.

Rohit then understood the whole thing how everything is taking a toll on him.

"Yas, stop crying", he said rubbing his back consoling him.

"I am not disappointed in you", he said once Shreyas was little composed and not crying anymore.

Shreyas looked at him and Rohit could see the uncertainty in his eyes.

"Who said I got bored of you?"

Shreyas just stayed silent on that.

"And why are you trying to change yourself?", Rohit asked again, "Answers Yas", Rohit said as he was again receiving silence.

"So that you can spend sometime with me as you do with KL and Jassi", said Shreyas quietly.

"What?", Rohit asked not understanding what he meant by that.

"What what? You spend all the time with them because they are more mature right? They don't trouble you for small things as I do, they dont annoy you as I do", Shreyas just ranted as it was too much now for him to keep it inside.

"What all nonsense you have fed yourself, you hardly have brain-- don't use it", Rohit said but then he saw Shreyas's dejected expression and composed himself.

"Yas, it is nothing like that. I know everything happening given the situation, you are feeling low. And I am sorry if I made you feel like I am disappointed in you, I am not", Rohit said softly.

"And you don't need to change yourself Yas, you are important and my kid, very special to me-- just the way you are. I won't have any other way, Yas", Rohit said softly yet firmly so that he believes him.

"But I am a brat, aren't I? Specially to you", Shreyas asked in a low voice.

Rohit sat beside him, putting his arm around him, "Yes you are but you are my brat, my kid", he said softly.

Shreyas leaned into that, knowing that Rohit was there with him. His hand providing him all that support he needs, the assurance he needs.

And he felt that may be whole world and everything was not against him because Rohit was with him.

"I got to apologise Virat bhai", he said slowly.

"You should but don't think it is needed though, he understands-- he is the one who sent me here"

"What? You didn't want to come here by yourself?", Shreyas asked not believing him.

Rohit just closed his eyes at the blunder he made.

"I cannot believe you, I am not talking to you. I am going to Virat bhai", Shreyas stormed from the room.

Rohit shook his head and followed him behind, "Yas, listen to me"

"I am not gonna listen to you-- go to KL and Jassi", Shreyas said pouting angrily like a kid.

And my brat is back, Rohit thought fondly seeing his expression.


bleedblue2011 I hope you like it.

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