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Hema's POV:

Today I didn't go to school. U guys wondering why ? It's not because of that drama happened yesterday . It's just i sprained my hip and now I can't walk normally. And the another thing is , for the next 4 days we have holiday. I'm happy as well as sad. I'm happy that school is not there but I'm sad that I can't see him. I felt like I did wrong yesterday. Huh ! God what should I do now. It's frustrating.
' why the hell I did all those monkey attacks yesterday ? Now I can't walk ' I thought and I called my mom to bring me food because I'm hella starving .

In school ,
Author's POV:
In school , they all were sitting in the cafeteria ( SP , Priscilla, Aryan , Naveen ) .they were chitchatting about what to do...

Aryan : bro , don't worry . She will forgive you.

SP: how will she ? She is not allowing me to ask sorry too. And for next few days we don't have school . What to do ?

Priscella : don't get stressed. We'll do something. I'll visit her and explain everything.

SP: do you think she will listen ? I doubt that .

Priscella: I'll make her listen . You first cool down. Every one are scared because of your expression. See ! Your die hearted girl fans also afraid to come closer to you .

SP: it's good then ..... 😒😒😒

They all were talking . After break , they headed to class. It was a hectic day for them . But still they managed the whole day and headed back to home. While going , they convinced SP and send him home.

After 5 days , In school :

After a long days of holiday , finally the school started . And also after a very long time , Hema is coming back. Once she entered the school , suddenly someone tapped her shoulder from back. She turned and see who it is. It's none other than Vihas .

Vihas : Hey ma'am, how are you ? After a very long time I'm seeing you.

HP: Hey ! Yes it's really a long time . But where were you these many days ?? You  vanished after our competition . 😕

Vihas : yeah ! Actually my mom is not well . And  dad had some important work , so he went abroad. No one was there to take care of her except me. So.... I was not there 🤷🏻‍♂

HP: I'm proud of you my friend (*she patted his shoulder ) how is she now ?

Vihas : yeah ! Now she's alright . And I heard some rumors about you ... Is it true ?

HP: *she sighed . yeah ! a lot happened . yes , its true.

Vihas : what actually happened ?

HP : I'll tell you everything . but right now I have to deal with something.

Vihas : ok . now , I'll go to class .

HP : I'll catch you later.

In SP 's class ,

Everything looks normal . All were carrying on with their work. Priscella and Naveen were fighting as always and Aryan in his dreamland in this early morning . Oh ! how did we forget about SP .Here he is , he too looking normal but deep inside he's little worried. The whole scenery looks normal here. SP is not normal but he didn't show outside . He went outside the class towards the balcony and trying to get some fresh air. He's thinking about something and suddenly someone tapped in his left shoulder . He looked at that side but no one was there. he thought its his imagination and he started carry on with what he's doing. But again he felt like someone patted his left shoulder softly , so he again turned to his side to see who it is . But suddenly a voice came from his right side .

🗣️ : Long time no see...

he was shocked and confused at first . Telling himself that voice is not from that person he's thinking of . But fortunately once turned back , he saw the person whom he's waiting for. And yes, it's Hema

HP : what happened ? why are you looking at me like you saw the ghost ? am I looking odd today ? yeah , probably  it's because of my hairstyle . I thought this hairstyle looks good on me . But seeing your expression , I doubt it so much . god ! I should have wore the normal hairstyle . why did I cho..

SP : Hema

HP : huh ? what ?

SP : is it really you ? or am I imagining things?

HP : Am I looking like imagination to you ?

SP : no . it's just..... I didn't expect that you'll talk to me . 😕

HP : 👀😒 SP ! listen . whatever happened , happened ! we can't change that. So we'll try to forget it. And I know what actually happened . Few days back , my sister came home and explained me everything . You no need to worry . I 'm such an understanding girl , you know ? 😌

SP : You know everything 😯. So , you are not angry with me still ?

HP : yeah ! I was angry at first . But later I understood that it's no one's fault . it's just everyone's misunderstanding .

SP smiled at her and patted her head . He is feeling so much relieved and happy that she is not angry at him .

SP : you are really an understanding girl.

HP : yes , I know . And you are lucky to have me .

SP : yes yes !  I'm really lucky.

he was smiling like anything . and suddenly in this scene , Priscella and Naveen entered.

Priscella : I think , all the problem is solved now.

SP : yeah! all thanks to you.

Priscella : yes  and  you are lucky to have me .

SP and Hema looked at each other and here our SP is shaking his head feeling enough of them .

SP : you know Priscella . you and this demon is same sometimes .

Priscella : why ? and what's with that expression .

SP : nothing . Never mind.

Naveen : I'm sorry Hema . Because of me all these problem happened .

HP : its ok . you did it for the sake of helping your friend. I can understand .

Naveen : thank you . It felt so relieved.

Priscella : ok guys , now let's stop this topic here itself . And if you guys forget , our class is gonna start now. You ! Hema , go to your class first.

And here Hema remembered that her first class is that science one , so she ran in fear from there to her class without any word . All those were shook their head , sighing because of her carelessness. Later they too started going to their class.

Today everyone felt relieved and happy . Because the long last problem got solved and now everything is perfectly normal between them . Today even they all spent their time together in canteen while teasing each other . Now everything feels alright . And they went back to home in relieved face. while going home Hema explained everything to Vihas.

hello ! everything is alright here ? what about there ???

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