and now im falling for ya, falling for ya

12 1 1

|| they said the end of coming ,
everyone's up to something ||

"YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT I JUST SAW." max said as she walked back into joeys room, laughing as she got back onto the girls bed
"what what!?"

"i saw your brother and gwen in the bathroom.." max paused for a second, laughing and joey sat up listening closely, "and they were making out."

"what!?" joey asked, sitting up, throwing her hands to cover her mouth, "are you serious!?"

"very serious." max said, "steve was sitting on the toilet for.. some reason, and gwen was in his lap and they were just.. kissing!"

"i didn't need a visual max." joey told her, the red head shrugging

"i just remembered something." max said, laughing to herself a little, "we became friends because you approached me to ask me if i wanted to pretend to date you and then we've never done anything to actually do that."
"oh my god i forgot about that to be completely honest."
"me too, until just now."
"we could go to the snow ball dance together!"

"are you asking me to the school dance right now josephine?" max asked the girl
"well, yeah, but for us it'll be just as friends but we'll let other people think it's more than that."
"we should kiss at the dance if you really want this to be believable."

"what?" joey asked, looking at her with her jaw dropped
"well unless you don't wanna kiss me."
"no, i do!"
"you want to kiss me?"
"no! not like in the way that i like you but yes i want to for like the acting like we're dating, cause people would really believe that."
"yeah exactly."

"it's just that i've never kissed anyone before." joey told her, embarrassed

"i haven't either." max shrugged, "no need to be embarrassed."

GWEN WOKE UP, feeling arms wrapped around her, she turned her head around and saw steve's face next to her own, she smiled remembering what had happened the night before, the kiss.

"good morning, you gonna just keep staring at me or are you gonna say something?" steve asked, smiling at her

"hi!" she grinned, her dimples showing

"you have the cutest smile i've ever seen." steve said, kissing her softly on the side of her face, right next to her mouth, "you want something to eat? i can make something for you if you'd like?"
"what do you know how to make?"
"um i can make pancakes, or toast or something. and we have fruit. i'll surprise you, you get some more rest, you were up for a while last night."
"how do you know?"

"because i woke up in the middle of the night and you were just laying there with your eyes open." he told her, "so get some extra sleep and i'm gonna make some food."
"okay, come get me when it's done."
"i will."


"steve! you're not very helpful!" joey exclaimed, "i need help doing my hair and you have boy hair it's not the same."

"yeah, but i have perfect hair." he told her, trying to help her do her hair nice, not succeeding very much

"i'm just gonna wait until gwen gets here." joey said, pulling her head away from him so he couldn't touch her hair anymore, "she'll know what to do, she's a girl."
"fine, fine."

"where is she anyways?" joey asked, looking at steve, "wasn't she supposed to be here like five minutes ago?"

"yeah, but it's okay, she'll be here." he shrugged, then there was a knock on the door, "that's probably her, be right back."

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