Chapter 10: Family Celebrations and Conversations

Start from the beginning

"Cheater." Scorpius accused and Rose let him feel the weight of her worry. She didn't like not knowing where her mother was, especially with this mess with her father still going on. "She's around here somewhere, don't worry. It's a big house." Scorpius soothed. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Mauds, do you know where my mum is?"

"Ms. Hermione went upstairs to rest after lunch." Maudsley answered,

"Thank you!" Rose dropped a kiss on the house elf's cheek then dashed off up the back staircase.

"Mauds said to check her room, last one there is a rotten egg!" She sent the retort to Scorpius who was clear on the other side of the house. She reveled in the breathless shriek he sent back as she ran up the stairs, hand sliding along the bannister for safety as each footstep brought her closer to her mother.

Glancing over her shoulder, Rose just caught a glimpse of Scorpius white blond head as she turned the last corner to the corridor that led to their rooms and screamed with laughter as she pelted down the hallway. She burst through the common room door causing it to bounce off the wall and slam shut behind her. She didn't make it more than a handful of steps into the room before she ran face first into an invisible wall. Scorpius came into the common room just as Rose fell back from the barrier. He was beside her in a few steps and helping her back up. "What happened?" He asked, Rose rubbed her face with one hand and stretched her other out before her. It hit the same wall and was repelled with an equal force. Scorpius also reached out and felt for the barrier, he skimmed his hand along very lightly in a slight arc. The wall was at least as tall as he was, and extended off to his right, away from Rose. He could feel her anxiety pulse and grow. "Mum?" Rose called, half in tears, worried beyond words. Hermione came out of her room after a second, and Scorpius felt the barrier disappear. Rose did too, and flung herself at her mother. "Rose. What's wrong?" Hermione asked as she gathered her girl in her arms. "I couldn't find you and then there was this magic wall thing in the way!" she cried, burying her face in her mother's shoulder. Hermione rubbed her back in soothing circles, "it's alright darling. I'm sorry about the wall. That was my doing. The door slamming startled me. I didn't mean for it to keep you away."

"Was it to keep dad out?" Rose asked, holding more tightly to her mother. Scorpius stood a couple steps away, watching and listening quietly. Hermione sighed. "Yes."

"But you said we were safe here. Drake said we're safe here. Even uncle Theo said we were safe here!"

Hermione sat down on the floor and pulled Rose down next to her, patting the floor on the other side for Scorpius to join them. He sat down too and Hermione wrapped them both in her arms, tucking them close in beside her. "Sometimes, when a person has lived in a place or with people that aren't safe for a long time, even when they leave and get away, when they are safe finally, they can still feel afraid, or worried or anxious even when they know there's no reason to feel that way. Experiencing something that's really scary or dangerous can cause what is called Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. Your uncle Harry and I both have this because of the war that happened before you were born, and I honestly think that some of your father's actions that hurt us are caused by this as well. And now, because of your father's actions, certain things- like the door slamming just now, or not being able to find me, can trigger those feelings of being frightened or hurt."

"Does it ever get better?" Rose asked, her eyes were large and worried.

"Yes. It does, darling." Hermione kissed Rose on the top of her head, "Talking about it with people you can trust is a big part of getting better. Sometimes writing down how you feel about what happened can help. Sometimes it takes being around things that trigger you in situations where you know you're safe and can help your brain relearn that it's not in danger when those things happen again if it's things that aren't actually dangerous that make you feel scared."

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