Part 2: The Past (Again)

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Past life 2/5

I woke up again. The same position but this time I didn't have and iPod and earphones. I had money in my hand. The iPod and earphones didn't do anything so what can I even do with money?

Then I saw the group again but instead of bats they had box cutters? Why is my memory getting fabricated? Anyways I went to the river again to see what I looked like. I was expecting to look the same but this time my hair changed again. I have no idea how these two will affect anything.

The window popped up showing how many lives I have left. 4 more? How convenient.

The same group of boys. Came up to me again.

"When cyclists go by we slash their tyres in secret. You do the first one to show you're worthy of being in our group." They forced the box cutter onto my hand.

"Instead of doing that how about we get lunch instead." The others scoffed and some looked confused.

"What has lunch got to do with this?" I walked to the convenience store nearby. Bought a bunch of snacks and drinks and gave them out in exchange of me taking away their box cutters and put them in the bag I gave them food from.

Surprisingly they were compliant and didn't protest. I tied up the box cutters and took them away back to school cupboard to where my former friends confronted me.

"Have you finally come to your senses and came crawling back to us again?" I have never met anyone so self centred before in my life. I was glad I had the guts to leave them.

"I have dignity," I said slamming the cupboard shut "so don't think I want to have anything to do with you." I walked off with my stuff to go study in the library. I still wish I had the iPod with me but it's too late for me to say that now.

As I was studying I felt the presence of someone behind me. It felt eerie and scary but I turned around to see, the self absorbed bane of my existence.

"I literally left you off on a door slam and now you want to cause more problems." She held her dumb milk above my head. I pushed the milk away without knowing it was opened and it spilled all over her. I still sighed at her failed attempt to embarrass me yet she embarrassed herself.

I could tell she was disgusted too cause she was screaming like a if she was in agony. Wait I think she was in agony. I had forgotten she was allergic to milk. Wait. Was she even allergic to milk? I never had that memory.

Her friends quickly found tissues to wipe off the milk but the rashes were spreading and it looked like her throat was going to close up until someone stabbed an Epipen into her thigh and called the ambulance.

Wait. WAIT, WAIT. I looked at the person's face closely. They looked so oddly familiar.

Then a window popped up. This isn't meant to pop up.

Stop staring at me and help her.

So this is the bastard that put me in this dumb simulation. NO WONDER WHY I HAVE BEEN PUT BACK IN TIM-

I have nothing to do with you going back in time. Because I am also going back in time too.

I was baffled by the window popping up again. Someone that was like me. But before I could confront him, he carried her away to the ambulance.

I went to follow him but I never saw him after that.

It like he had simply vanished at that moment. I'm guessing people who are going through this can't interact with each other.

But there is still something familiar about that guy. I don't know what it was. Then the window popped up again.

You want to know who he is?

I was frantically pressing the yes button. Then another message came up.

That means you will have to go back in the past 5 more times after your 5 times.
You want to risk that?

How does that seem like a bad deal? Before I could click "Yes" a hand grabbed my hand and stopped me.

It was him again?! After disappearing he wants to help me now?

"As much as it seems like a deal, don't do it. You will be even more miserable stuck in this time loop." I don't know why but his voice sounded like gold if it had a voice.

His face was so indescribable. Handsome and cute at the same time. I think this was my younger self's feelings as well as my older self. His skin was as clear as the spring day we were in. I could just take him away and claim him as mine forever and ever and ev-

"I'm not really a big fan of you starting like that." He looked embarrassed and has a tiny little spot of blushing from both sides of his cheeks. His cheeks looks so puffy and soft at the same time I could just squeeze them.

"Stop staring ur making me blush out of embarrassment." He faced away and I snapped out of it. Even I was embarrassed for staring too long.

"Don't say yes. I'll just tell you who I am."

I would kill to know who he is.


But the window decided to pop up. It was a different colour.

"So your memory is coming back huh? Not really a big fan. I am going to put out a decision for you. You either

•Loose your memories again
•Or Claim more lives to live"

Ah.. so getting information from the person directly doesn't work either. Wait. Why do I feel tired? I looked to my side. At that moment I saw something I shouldn't have seen.

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