7. Will You Marry Me?(Finale)

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The next early morning,
Y/N head to work as per usual, however when he reached, he saw many of his colleagues whispering and looking at him.

He sat down on his seat curious.

His colleague beside him said.
"Yo, heard of it?"
Y/N: " Heard of what?"
"There's a new boss coming today and rumours said that this new boss has something to do with you."
Y/N: " Do with me?"
"Yeah, she's already on the way, let's hope is not like your manager, bullies you everyday."
"She? Is it Nayeon? Trying to fight for me again towards Yuqi?"
Y/N: " Whatever..."

He forgets about it real soon and continue his own work.

An hour later...

The manager announced,
"Everyone in the meeting room to meet the new boss!"
Everyone quickly made their way to the meeting room and settle down including Y/N.

A short little while of waiting later...

They heard the manager talking to someone before entering.
"Let's welcome our new CEO!"

Everyone stood up and clap.

It didn't take long before Y/N notice who it was.

It didn't take long before Y/N notice who it was

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Y/N: "..."
Sana: " Thank you everyone, please have a sit."

Y/N hides himself behind his colleague but Sana locates him right away. But as the CEO of the new company, she keeps her cold and continue her speech.

Later once the meeting was over,
Sana stopped the manager and asked questions.
Sana: " So this guy called Y/N, how is he capability?"
"Bad, always late for his work, can't do job very fast. Was considering to fire him soon."
Sana: " I see, alright, you may go now."
The manager left.

Short while later,
"Y/N, the CEO wants you to go to her office."
Y/N: " Right, coming."
"Why is she calling for me? Didn't she find a way better husband and forget about me?"

He made his way to her office.
He knocked on the door as Sana voice came through.
Sana: " Come in."
Y/N opened the door and finally came in eye contact with her.

Sana: " Close the door."
Y/N did as told.

Y/N: " Why did you come back?"
Sana: " What do you mean?"
Y/N: " Hmph. It's alright if you aren't comfortable in talking about it. What business do you have with me?"
Sana walk up towards Y/N.

She wanted to hug Y/N but he stopped her.
Y/N: " Hey! Self control, we are in a office."
Sana: " Oppa... I missed you... you didn't say a thing a disappeared."
That made Y/N even angrier.

Y/N: " What?? You said I disappeared without saying a thing?! Hmph! Alright then, consider this a second time I'm disappearing then! I'm quiting this job!"
He turned and wanted to leave but Sana hugged him from behind.

Eclipse  (Twice x BlackPink x (G)I-DLE x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora