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I woke up with a headache. I lay there taking a moment to get ready. I finally got up and start walking towards the bathroom I brushed my teeth, combed my hair and do my regular routine. I go back to my room and get dressed into the normal stuff I wear. I pack my bag not feeling it today and deciding if I want to skip or not but decide against it. I walk downstairs to get some breakfast. I opened the fridge and found it empty so I opened the pantries and I found moldy bread  with canned beans. I save the can beans and threw away the moldy bread. Man my family has to get better of throwing away bad foods the fuck can they think they eat moldy bread? I just grab a water bottle and money and put it in my pockets. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the house. I walk to school, bored. A couple of minutes later I made it to school. I walked in and went to my homeroom I don't know why we have homerooms but we do. I sat down bored I would usually go and talk to these random kids and call them faggots but I don't feel like it today. I'm not hungry today which is strange cause I'm always hungry well not always but hungry at the right times I guess, make me wonder if I have a eating disorder. Cause I eat very little like lunch just only lunch and if I'm lucky I can get dinner but like nothing else wait can I get an eating disorder in like 2 months? Or no I don't know but what if I can that would be bad I'm already not at my suggested weight so weighing less will make my doctors be worried? Then my mom would be worried then I have to go through the cycle to of did you eat today thingy. God fuck me, wait nah nevermind that sounds stupid. I apparently zoned out cause we where now at the discussion of what's for lunch today which is not bologna day. I'm kinda upset about that but not really since i found out it contains human meat or flesh, disgusting. Though how did they make it seem like real bologna or even taste like it cause it surly won't taste the same if you eat it raw. The bell ring  and I grab my bag and head to first period which is PE now I don't hate nor like it. I think we are doing weight lifting or something like that wait nevermind that was yesterday wait so what's for today? I enter the gym and went to the lockers to get dress. Oh finally they gave us longer pants in the middle of March yeah great we sure won't be sweating in this shit, they're stupid. I walked out and went to my spot and sat down a couple of minutes go by and class starts and we are apparently running instead. I like running, running is fun. We all went outside and we ran. We finished and for some reason coach called my name and some other kids name I don't know why though. We all lined up and ran I didn't see the other kid so I'm assuming he finished. Me and the other kids finished and one of the kids gave me a nasty look for no reason. The coach then called me and the kid over and said we are both great runners and ask if we could teach a group of kids on how to be run and be motivated to run. Great I'm now a teacher to kids who probably won't even listen to us awesome, We are starting today after school. After PE I went to my next class

Okay that's the first not sorry it took long I have no ideas literally so yeah and also pretend Travis have siblings i might make a thing for them but they are two younger siblings so yeah and I will come up names for them, okay bye
Also dirty joke Thursday, what's the difference between a police car and a woman, they both a make a noise to let you know they are coming

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