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Don't expect this story to be god written, toe curling, asshole clenching, story okay it's gonna be dog shit and there's going to be very few updates so yeah. Correct my spelling too cause I failed it too last year, I'm 6 by the way😜. Okay but like kill me literally and also tell me if that man is fine cause he will be making me scream my name in bed😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘

Travis Phelps
Nationality: Mexican, Native American
Age: 16
Height: 6'0
Like(s): Pickles, Bomb fires, Abandoned buildings, Flowers, Annoying people
Look(s): White spots on his skin (I forgot what it's called) on his arms, torso, legs, hands, and feet, Heterochromia eyes, Baggy jeans, His normal sweatshirt, Dark green converse, Shitty bleached hair with black roots showing,

Larry Johnson
Nationality: Spain, German
Age: 17
Height: 6'2
Like(s): Skateboarding, Painting portraits, Smoking, Ghost Hunting,
Look(s): Long Brown hair (goes down to his ass) Straight black jeans, Metal band t-shirts, Brown eyes, Pale skin, Doc Martens boots, Hair ties on his wrist and other bracelets, a skull necklace,

Ashley Campbell
Nationality: Spain, German
Age: 16
Height 5'8
Like(s): Reading, Mythical creatures, Fairy core, Make up, Drawing on people's skin
Look(s): Has brown hair that goes to her spine, Emo makeup, Purple corset, Black mini skirt, Torn tights, Mary Jane shoes, Black nail polish, A shit ton of rings and necklaces, Dyed purple hair at the ends

Sally Fisher
Nationality: American
Age: 15
Height: 5'5
Like(s): Ghost Hunting, Cats, Nature, Reading, Getting high
Look(s): Blue hair, Prosthetic eye, Sweatshirts with cool designs on it, Straight jeans, Red converse, Chubby, Fingerless gloves, Black nails,

Okay so I'm like way to lazy to add the rest so just like imagine Todd, Neil, all the other people but there like cooler make them look cooler ands hit cause I'm lazy to make them

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