Start from the beginning

"What are you doing? Are you trying to get back at me for exposing your silly loophole? You're going to have to get a napkin to wipe that off now you know! I'm not just going to let that fly, because otherwise you're going to keep trying to pull jokes like that!"

Nightmare just grinned mischievously and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. No matter how often he'd do that, Dawn thought she'd never get used to it. Her face flushed her dual toned blush, the same halves pink and blue as her hair. She took a deep breath as if to say something, before getting flustered and just turning around to mix the batter.

"You know, I think the batter could stand to have some more strawberries mixed in. It isn't as strong as you usually prepare it, and I'd hate for you to be disappointed about one of your favorite breakfasts."

Dawn began to thank him, before pausing and narrowing her eyes. She turned around to glare at him; but Nightmare could tell there was no real malice behind her eyes. She looked really embarrassed, but she also looked like she was ready to laugh. Nightmare smirked in her direction.

"You did that on purpose, you sneak! You put the batter on my face so you could taste it! That's unfair, you cheated me and my loophole prevention! You better apologize for that. I will add more strawberries though, thanks love."

As she started cutting more strawberries, Nightmare chuckled. Dawn had really grown on him, and he really loved her small little quirks like this. Dawn was a sucker for trying to make up the most ridiculous rules that he had to follow. She only did this for him, and he thought it was really funny.

"Yes, yes I did. Then again, you didn't say that I can't keep doing that. Admit it, you didn't reallllly mind it did you?"

He laughed as Dawn ignored his comment, not denying it; her face flushing once again. He felt his phone buzz and backed away, looking down to check his messages as Dawn began to start cooking the pancakes. He grinned slightly before slipping his phone back into the pocket of the hoodie he wore at night.

"So, what was that text about? Did the boys decide to go on some massive double date with all of their partners or something else? Because to be honest, most of their dates really would agree to that. They're all such sweet couples."

Nightmare rolled his eyes, as he couldn't help but think of his brother and be just a bit salty. (He was very, VERY salty about it.) Luckily, that was not the case. Nightmare would have been in absolute torture if he had to do that on Valentines day.

"No, just some plans for the two of us. Unless you have something besides hanging out with your husband planned for Valentines? Oh, I forgot to mention, Happy Valentine's day Lux."

Dawn giggled slightly at the old nickname. That chance meeting of theirs so long ago had helped them progress in their relationship to be what they were today. She quickly plated some pancakes and set the plates on the table. They looked super cute, even the whipped cream on top shaped into a little heart.

"I don't know, maybe I want to hang out with my old pal Nox, he's a lot more entertaining than you are, you know. Maybe I have a date with him planned. No, of course I'm planning on hanging out with you today, silly. It's literally the day of the year where everyone gets to be silly little lovebirds!"

Nightmare sat down across from Dawn, taking a bite out of the pancakes. As with anything she made, they were absolutely amazing. He'd take a breakfast like this over a gourmet meal any day of the week. He cleared his throat awkwardly, and Dawn looked up from stuffing her face to pay attention. He couldn't help but think that she looked like a little chipmunk, trying to stuff her face like that.

"I may have gone a bit... overboard getting flowers this year. I at least hope that they'll be really relaxing for you. Maybe to sit around and read a book near them?"

Dawn tilted her head in curiosity. Overboard for Nightmare must be something indeed. He wasn't exactly known for being low key when it came to gifts; not with his boys and especially not when it came to Dawn. He was grumpy sometimes, but he definitely loved to show affection through gifts.

"Oh? Well, I guess you'll have to show me. I'm sure I'll love whatever you did. If you couldn't tell, these pancakes aren't just pink, they're heart shaped. See, I'm good at heartfelt gifts too! I didn't really finish the painting I was going to do, so that'll be a bit late. Sorry about that."

Dawn grinned sheepishly at Nightmare, and his heart did a little flutter. He hadn't noticed the heart shaped pancakes, and he knew Dawn's paintings were always extraordinary. It's all she could ever really do when in the mansion with her family, so she had gotten quite good at it. Just knowing how much thought she put into her gift made Nightmare feel like a young schoolgirl making eye contact with her crush. (She's delusional, he isn't.)

Finishing their breakfast, Nightmare scooped up both of their plates and placed them in the sink. He offered his hand to Dawn, who took it in confusion. Neither of them were really ready to go out, so as the two approached the elevator she couldn't help but wonder what on earth Nightmare was planning.

She was even more confused when he pressed the button to the roof. It had been painted over to look much nicer too, and she couldn't help but wonder what on earth he had planned. As the elevator reached the roof and he led her out, she could only gape in awe. Yeah, maybe he had gone overboard. Then again, what else was she to expect from someone as rich as Nightmare? He could do whatever he thought of.

The roof had been covered in a glass dome, keeping in the heat and humidity, deflecting all of the wind that would usually chill her to her bones. The roof had been transformed into a stunning greenhouse, complete with benches and a fountain. Flowers of different varieties bloomed everywhere, but the bushes around the fountain caught her eyes the most.

"Are those... the flowers there were at the lake? Where we got married? I can't believe that you did all of this for me! It's amazing! I'm sure I'll love being up here! You know how much I used to love gardening back home, and I haven't gotten to do anything like that since I moved in! Thank you so much!"

Nightmare laughed as Dawn barreled into him, clinging him into a very tight embrace. He ruffled the top of her skull, very relieved that she liked his gift. He had hoped she would, but when he asked the gang they had very split opinions and were overall little help.

"Yeah, they are. Now, are we going to stay up here forever or would you like to come see what other things I have planned for us today? There's a lot to do, after all today is the time of year for showing as much affection as possible right?"

Dawn grinned and stopped him, standing on her tip-toes and wrapping her arms around his neck. She leaned in and kissed him, and after a moment of shock he gently returned it. After a few moments the two broke apart and Dawn smiled up at him.

"Happy Valentine's day Nox!"

Nightmare smiled down at her and pulled her into a hug, placing a quick skeletal kiss on the top of her head.

"Happy Valentine's day Lux."

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