• Valentine - Laufey •

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(A/N This is a Valentine's Day special and a request from LvrxshaLvrxsha.  So sorry for the long delay 😭😭)



It's the one day of the year where couples are always touchy and flirty with eachother.  Wednesday, February 14th, 2024, marked this year's Valentine's Day.  Although Kaveh is quite needy and wants reassurance constantly, his partner is quite the opposite.

Alhaitham, Kaveh's lover, has rejected affection for many years growing up.  But ever since he met Kaveh, allowed him to move in, and started dating him, he now has it.  The scribe admits to have it is weird after growing up without it for so long and not knowing how it feels like.

Memory of the fist few months of their relationship.

"Hey, Haitham?"  Kaveh asks, his eyes trying to find the scribe's.

Alhaitham looks up from his book, his eyes meeting Kaveh's. "Hm?"

The blonde architect smiles crookedly.  "You're pretty."

His mind goes blank.  He's never been called pretty before.  Not that anyone thinks that, they're just usually too scared to even walk up to the scribe because of how cold and rude he looks, and his status at the Akademiya.  

"Uh.  You're pretty too." Alhaitham replies back.  He thinks to himself; 'Can I say that? I don't know.'

The scribe has no clue of what he can say back.  He's wasnt used to compliments or flirting during these months.

End of memory.

As time went on, Alhaitham grew more and more comfortable with the architect.  His lover.

With every passing second they are together, Alhaitham always manages to surprise himself.  He's always been so quiet and closed.  But whenever he's with Kaveh he can't help but just talk, and talk, and talk for hours with him.  A lot of the times ending with new things Kaveh never knew about him.  And by the time he's done talking, Alhaitham realizes how much he can talk to Kaveh about his interest, and it always managed to shock Alhaitham.

And even though Kaveh is needy and clingy, he's scared of loving.  Not because of Alhaitham, of course not.  But because of his past relationships with other men and women.  He's scared of guys and girls just as much as he's scared of flies.  But Alhaitham?  He's different in Kaveh's eyes.

When Kaveh moved in with Alhaitham during the summer a few years after his graduation, Kaveh started liking Alhaitham, and Alhaitham realized he liked Kaveh too.  By winter of that same year, they both were aware they had fallen for the other.  What they didn't know was gonna happen was both of them would be dating eachother 

Though the relationship is very healthy and happy, Kaveh Is quite the overthinker.  Always worrying whether Alhaitham still loves him.  Which Alhaithak always reassures him with kisses and cuddles.  Even so, Kaveh always asks himself; 'What if he's the last one I kiss?  What if he's the only one I'll ever miss?  Maybe I should run.. I'm only twenty-six.. I don't even know if I want to live on.'

Before they started dating, Kaveh was depressed and suicidal everyday.  Some days more than others.  And when those days were here, he would try killing himself.  By hanging himself, cutting himself, almost jumping from a cliff in Sumeru.  Yet, during all of his hard times, Alhaitham was there to help him, there to comfort him.  Sure, they hated eachother.  But that didn't mean they didn't care for eachother.  Why else would Alhaitham let Kaveh move in with him when Kaveh could barely afford a meal?  Let alone a house to live in? 

Now, whenever they're close to eachother, they both lose control of their heartbeat.  When they feel their heart beat for the other, they ask themselves how they got caught in a romance with eachother somehow.  And even when they hear the other say, 'I love you', they can feel a shock go through their bones, like electricity.  In a good way, of course.

Ever since they've gotten together, they both realized one thing; they both have someone to lose now.  They both have someone to cry for, to care for, someone to be scared of losing.  Someone to love.

They both are each other's first.  For Kaveh, it's not physically his first, but mentally it is.  Alhaitham's the only lover that's cared, provided and loved him so much. Alhaitham is the first to truly love Kaveh back.  As for Alhaitham, Kaveh is his first both physically and mentally.  Alhaitham might be upset that he isn't Kaveh's first, but he knows he can't do anything about it and it's best to focus on them now.  As long as Kaveh is the first one to ever like him back too, nothing else matters.

Both the Scribe and the Architect always joke around their first few years at the Akademiya. Believe it or not, they used to hate each other's guts. Academic Rivals. Always competing with eachother. So it's always the same question for the both of them when they think about their relationship; 'how the hell did I fall inlove this time?'

The Present.

"And I honestly, I still can't believe I get to call you mine.."  Alhaitham whispers gently in Kaveh's ear.  Kaveh smiles ever so lovingly and kisses Alhaitham.

In the background, music is playing for the special day as they kiss.

♪I blinked and suddenly,♪

♫I had a valentine.♫♪Valentine...♪



(A/N: AND HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, or late Valentine's Day, whatever time zone it is for you)

Word count: 875 (not including these 3 authors notes).

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