'..A Toaster?' {V x Uzi} {Part 2}

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Uzi was terrified, she held her railgun in hand and the glass shard in the other. Suddenly, a yellow 'X' appeared on the Murder drones visor

It saw her

The murder drones tail slightly swished before spreading its angelic metal wings. Uzi quickly dropped the glass shard and stood up, turning around and aiming her railgun at where she saw the murder drone..

But it was gone...

Uzi's neon purple eyes remained hollowed out, looking everywhere around for where the murder drone went. Suddenly, the murder drone came out of nowhere and tackled her to the ground, a yellow 'X' on their visor and their sharp fangs exposed.

Despite Uzi's fear, small purple lines appears below her eyes, which had display her blush. Though the murder drone didn't realize this. The murder drone seemed to be taking in deep breaths, almost panting as if they had just finished running a marathon.

The murder drone didn't do anything, only kept Uzi from escaping, having her pinned to the ground. Uzi, still blushing from how close the murder drones face was, examined the murder drone a bit.

It was definitely female, which wore a dark grey jacket with fur around the top. She had silvery short hair as well, and her claws were out.

The female murder drone seemed exhausted with her deep breaths. Just then, the murder drones visor went blank and she collapsed onto Uzi, which made the Worker jump a bit.

Uzi didn't know what's happening or what to do. How could she? She though this was a trick, but after a few taps on the head of the Murder drone, she determined they may have fainted.

Uzi took this chance to squirm out from under the female, and once she was freed, she grabbed her railgun from the snow and ran towards her colonies door.

{Time skip, cuz I'm lazy}

Uzi was now laying on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. She was thinking about what happened earlier

'Why did that happen? Was something wrong with that murder drone? Why did she faint like that?'

All of Uzi's questions couldn't be answered. There was no one to answer them. It was late, but Uzi's mind was clouded with questions.

Time flew by without Uzi realizing, as she was deep in thought. What broke the worker out of her thoughts was the sound of something in her vents.

She sat up and looked up at the vent, quickly grabbing her railgun and aiming it towards the vent cover. The sounds got closer before stopping right at her vent, and neon yellow eyes were seen inside.

The yellow eyes quickly turned to a large 'X', the vent cover began to open. But just as it opened, the 'X' disappeared, and the same female Murder drone fell from the vent, her visor was blank like before.

Uzi cautiously got off the bed, slightly terrified and her railgun aimed at the Murder drone on the ground. Though the murder drone didn't move.

Uzi suddenly had a weird urge. An urge to see of something was wrong with the drone. She slightly lowered her railgun and crouched down to the female Murder drone, though keeping the railgun close, just in case.

Uzi gently lifted the murder drone and laid her on her back. Uzi opens a panel on the other females back, revealing a lot of wires, and other things you may see inside a murderous machine. A few wires were damaged, melted slightly, which may cause malfunctions.

Uzi looked around before spotting some odd bug-like thing near the drones core, almost spider-like with its 8 metal legs. Uzi grabs a nearby screwdriver from her desk and slightly pokes the metal spider creature. It moved a bit before it walked a bit forward, closer to the murder drones core.

Uzi used the screwdriver to stab into the spider-like metal creature, which made a little shriek before it fell limp. Uzi removed the screwdriver from the murder drone, looking at the now dead spider-like creature.

Uzi takes the dead creature off the screwdriver and put it on her desk to examine later before her attention turned to the melted wires.

{Time skip}

Uzi finished replacing all cut or melted wires and connected. How did she know what goes where in a complicated drone? Not even she herself knows.


729 words

Sorry this was a bit of a later chapter, I was busy today but I was able to get it out.

Have a good day/night!

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