Chapter Four.. Getting To Know 'Ya

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Word count: 1297

"So was that before or after the church burned down again?" Pony asked, him and Johnny had been driving around for a bit now, driving and stopping by shops and places Johnny either thought were useful to know about, or just thought they were cool. Pony even found a notebook in the mess of his backseat, and had begun to take note of any cool places Johnny pointed out. Now though, Johnny was talking about the old corner shop he used to like, that got set on fire a couple years back.

"That was before, technically, since no one goes to the church no more, no one actually knew it burned down." Johnny said with a slight laugh, as if to try and make light of the situation.

"But no one was like hurt by it or anything, right?"

"Well.. There were these two teenagers- three actually, but only two went into it, they rescued some kids who got stuck in there. They got burned pretty badly, but two were able to walk away." Johnny paused for a second. "The last of 'em though, some sixteen year old, got a piece of the church dropped on him, broke his back and all. He died two or so days later."

"Oh. Did you know them..?" Pony asked, he had pulled the car into the curb, to be able to fully listen and get the full story.

"Oh.. um.. no. They were five or so years older than me at the time, guess now I'm older than them. Real sad, one died a hero, the other a hood. The last guy left town later in the year. Doubt he could live with it."

"Wait.. two died? Thought you said two of them walked out of it!?" Pony was now fully into it, his heart sunk thinking about it.

"One of 'em couldn't live without the first guy who passed, he robbed a store and pulled a fake gun on the cops when they came to arrest him. They shot, he was dead before he hit the ground apparently."

"That's absolutely awful." Pony muttered, still taken back by the whole story.

"Yeah, some folks round here call 'em 'Tulsa's Best', born and died here, but at least they're together forever now." Johnny shrugged a little, as if to act like he didn't care. But Pony could see the look of sadness and anger in his eyes. He knew more than he was saying.

The pair sat in silence for a second. Johnny now had tears forming in his eyes.

"You knew one of them, didn't you?"

Johnny looked at him and smiled slightly, tears still threatening to fall. "Ralph was my older cousin, he's the one who got the church fallen on him. Matt was the one who couldn't live without him. He was a sweetheart, tried to get me and Ralph outta the town. Then Thomas was the last one left. Haven't heard from him in years though. Not since it all happened." Johnny looked the other way, and whipped his eyes with his arm. "They were like family to each other, closer even. One of the reasons I can't leave this stupid town is because their buried here!"

"Johnny I'm so sorry-"

"No Pony, you ain't got nothing to be sorry for. It's my fault for saying all this to the guy I met a day ago." Johnny laughed a little. "So, do you have any stories you wanna share?" He laughed again, but Pony could tell he was being genuine.


"Don't let me stop you, Pone."

"My folks got into an accident when I was fourteen. Killed on impact I was told. Me and my brother got left in custody of our older brother. He was only twenty and practically raised us."

"Aw Pony I'm so sorry."

"It's alright Johnny." Pony smiled back. " You're the first person I've ever told this, everyone else knew more than me before I even said a word to them."

"Same goes."

"At least we can help each other though."

"Absolutely." Johnny smiled. "Wanna see the library?"

"There's a library??" Pony said in half shock and half joy.

"Yup!" Johnny laughed, this time it was genuine. Pony could tell. "It's down by the back of the theatre." Johnny said again.


The pair were now walking through the library. Looking at all the books, and reading aloud all the notes left in the books and on the shelf's, and laughing at how dumb it all was.

"Do you come here often?" Pony asked, as it seemed as if Johnny knew exactly where every book was, seemed he did better than the workers too.

"Only in winter, place is always warm so it's handy. Plus it's almost always empty, no one in town seems to like to read or anything. Only ones who come here are the kids graduating from high school, trying to cram all the studying in. Or maybe the odd group trying to get a project done."

"I would've loved to have a library so near me in high school, couldn't get my head outta a book back then." Pony said with a laugh, Johnny returned it.

It was then that Pony realised he hadn't asked Johnnys age. For all he knew, he could be the weirdo hanging out with a fifteen year old Highschool kid. He whipped the image from his mind. He decided to ask.

"So.. um.. what age are you? I'm sorry if it's weird-"

"No no, it's fine. I'm nineteen. But everyone says I look younger, most think I'm fifteen to be completely honest."

It felt like a weight had been taken off Pony's shoulders- wait. Nineteen? That means he's older than Pony. He wouldn't have guessed that at all.

"How bout you? Don't think I asked anyway."

"I'm eighteen, turning nineteen this year though."

"Who would've known I'm older." Johnny laughed a little.

Pony had a stupid grin. He was going to get a bit of fun out of this. "You calling me old looking, Johnny?"

"What? Goodness no- well, sort of- but not in the sense that- you know- I'd want to look older so it's not like I'm-" Johnny stumbled over his words. He said the whole sentence in less than a second easily.

"I'm messing!" Pony said out, a look of shock and muse on his face.

Johnny laughed a little, and sighed out of relief. He really was an overthinker.

Pony glanced at his old watch on his wrist, it was just about seven o'clock now. "Say, if I'm not overstepping, would you want to go out for dinner?" He said with a smile.

"YES- I mean yes, I'd love to." Johnny said with a big smile. It made Pony's heart melt, but he wasn't willing to admit that just yet.

The two walked towards the exit, waving goodbye to the librarian.

"Speaking of which, do you by any chance know of somewhere we could go for dinner?" Pony asked.

"There's a few spots, what do you want?"

"I don't mind, once it's not as scary as the diner I'm alright with it." Pony laughed, looking down at Johnny.

"You're a tease." Johnny said back.

"I know."   


This took way longer than it was meant to oh my
goodness! I did add a fair but of angst into this, but I swear the majority of the story will be fluff! But don't hold it against me if it's not.

ANYWAYS! Hope you all enjoyed this, as much as I did writing it, and a huge thank you for all the reads, saves, likes and comments, it genuinely means the world to me!!

Next chapter should be posted before next Wednesday!

(Please ignore all spelling and grammar mistakes.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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