'don't you believe'✓

Start from the beginning

Amelia did not need no reminder. He was her brother of course he was not taking it easy she slept in the same bed as a boy, even if that boy was her boyfriend of three years. She moved suddenly feeling the urge to talk to Luke. Something had happened and her mind was twisting it so much she couldn't be sure which version was real. She shoved the blanket to the side slipping into shoes, draping Luke's jacket over her shoulders which she still hadn't given back.

Her chest felt heavy, her stomach rumbled from being refused food and her head was going to send her into an early grave if it wouldn't stop pounding soon. Just great. It was as if she was on the edge of getting sick which was rare for Apollo Kids. Not at all a reassuring sign.

"You haven't even eaten anything. Where do you think you're going young Lady? I am not done having this conversation." His hand pointing to the plate of food on her bedside table. Lee must have brought it with him from breakfast. It was against the rules to bring food into the cabins. There was a moment of hestiaton in her actions. She almost felt bad seeing he only picked food he knew she liked. Fruits no meat. Not many people cared for the fact she was vegetarian.

Of Course, her over caring older brother noted that down from her rambles, of course.

"Well I am." Amelia cringed at her hard tone and regretted it as soon as the door closed behind her. It was not right, she was not in the right.

Why was she so wound up? Maybe it was something about that shady dream she had. What was it again? She remembered a man holding lantern- Shaking her head she quickly walked off before Lee could change his mind and come after her.

Luke was not in the cabin. Instead she found him by the forge, watching some blonde kid closely. Amelia stilled in her movement, leaning on a tree a few meters away eyeing the situation. For a moment he seemed do be doing fine then the metal split and flew out of the forge setting a fire. Probably not a Hephaestus kid then. A guy ran over and threw water on it. Luke pushed the kid to the side who then took of the googles. That was undeniably the kid she had flicked together after his fight with the minotaur.

Percy, was his name right?

When they walked off she stayed put, something held her back from going up to him now. She almost got the feeling Luke had adopted him like some puppy. Just as she imagined he threw himself at the shot of filling somewhat of an older brother figure for the boy. She had expected that of her Luke. Annabeth was with them too at some point, but Amelia kept her distance.
Nothing helped to keep her thoughts from the day before away. She needed to talk to him about it but interrupting that bonding time felt wrong.


Walking to the training field that morning felt weird now, knowing that Luke being there was no longer a positive. Her medic kit weighting down on her back was too heavy and she desperately wanted to turn the other way. When she arrived, the first thing in her line of sight was Luke sitting over a wounded Sherman pressing down on his leg. His hands already covered in blood, his left still had their now bloodied promise ring sitting on it. Somewhere further in the background were Percy and Annabeth. A little closer Clarisse talked angrily to another one of her brothers. Ignoring her surroundings, she bent down and caught Lukes eye.

"What happened here?"

"Mark and Sherman were trying to assert their dominance instead of actually training. Which resulted in Mark hitting Sherman with his sword when I wasn't looking." Luke explained.

So that was what Clarisse was arguing with Mark about.
Luke looked like a tired father of five. Amelia shook her head, she silently asked herself if those two troublemakers would ever stop being troublesome.

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