You are my model.

Start from the beginning

Then she stands up and she goes my way.
I started to fake that i am making something.
She stands behind me and i blushed. Oh god Beck you can't bush now! It would look weird.

She kinds of whisper to my ear
"Do you want a model?"
I looked at her and then i look away.
"Um yeah.." I said nervous. I don't even know why im nervous probably because she is to much close to me.
"Okay.. I can ask some student." She says and he smiled to my while she slightly she stroked my shoulder.
Shoot. What should i say when i am modelling her.

"You are my model." I said while i looked at her.
She just smirked and she sits opposite of me.
"Okay" She sighed and she brushed hair with her hand.
"Um.. Can you please look this way?"
I said and i showed the way i need so i can detail her nose.
She just chuckles and she looked at the way.

She has really nice straight nose with bumb.
I started to model it and after 10 minutes i have it done.
"So.. thank you so much." I smiled while i had all the detail done.
"Now just like the really small detail i will do later but for now its done"

"You are really talented do you know that?" She smiles and she stroked my hand.
I smiled while looking at her hand stroking mine.
"Thank you so much teacher." I looked at her again while she stands up and she sits back to her seat and she started to type in her notebook.
It felt so nice when she said that. It's kinda sad that my mother never said that but my teacher that doesnt even know me said that.
It was so nice to feel her touch.
I know im young but...
Ugh what i am even thinking about she's probably only nice and she's probably a lot older than me.

After the class i was thinking about her details in her face.
She has really pretty face.

I tried to focus on the lesson but i just couldn't i was just thinking about her.
We have English now so its really boring class again. I will probably still study this at home so i will keep daydreaming.

After the class Ava sits next to me and she groaned.
"Hey Beck what did you get from art?"She said while she chewing a gum in her gum. God she is so annoying
"I don't know, why?" I asked curious i thought she will give us our grades next week maybe.
"I got fucking D. Almost everyone got C or D." She said annoyed and she rubbed her face. "I'm so angry at Vargara ugh"
She says angry. "She even wrote a note what i did wrong." She rolled her eyes.
"Oh god.. I did kinda hard thing so i hope get C." I said nervously because i almost never get C,D or F and my mother would be angry.
So i looked quickly on my phon what did i get.
It loaded and i got...
A? What? Yeah like i think i did kinda good job but i really thought im gonna get C.. or D.
"Um Ava?" I pocked her on her shoulder so she can look.
She looks at me and then at my phone and she looked at me shocked.
"What? What the fuck literally everyone got C's and D's. Like im proud of you i guess but what the fuck."
She said annoyed. I know she is kind of jealous but i kinda understand.
But i saw what Ava did and it was really pretty... It was cat? Or dog? Okay maybe it was bad..

After all my classes i got in bus so i can be home earlier. I wanted to study because have a lot of tests tomorrow.
When i unlock the door i saw my mom in living room with beer in her hand and in other hand she has controller from tv.
I just rolled my eyes and i got up to my room.
First i cleaned my room so my mother wont be angry that i have mess.

After 30 minutes i have finally cleaned my room so i can study now.
I sit down on my bed and i started to read my books.
I wanted to study but i can hear my mom screaming to the tv.
I groaned and i put on headphones so i can't hear her

After some time I decided to take a break.
I can hear my mother that she is opening new bear and after some time another.
And i really hoped that she wont be drunk today.

When it was 6 PM my brother came after school home.
"Hey where were you?! I was waiting for you and with lunch you ungrateful kid." I could hear it from downstairs.
"Mom you know that i had a guitar lesson." He said tired and he wanted to go upstairs but she grabbed his hand.
"But you could have lunch here! You didn't ate all day. So why did i made the Lunch for you?! Ugh you know i wont make you lunch for you anymore you can just piss off" She said angry and angrier. You just could hear how mad she is.
"Mom please im really tired can you let me go." He looks at her and she just rolled her eyes.
"Okay kid but there's no way you will tomorrow be at home at 6 PM! You will be at home at 4 ok? And because how much you are ungrateful you will have no lunch."
He just nod his head and he goes upstairs.
I felt so bad she isn't that mean to him.
He is smart and he knows that she is just drunk mean ugly lady that doesn't act like mother.
If she would act like mother she would gives a attention and he would stop drinking and she would just not act like this.

Now she has like the fifth job so you can see how horrible she is.
Because they always fired her because she comes to work drunk or she is mean to the costumers.

I rubbed my face from tiredness because i was learning for another 2 hours.
But then i got message from Ava at 10 PM.

Hey girlll do you want to go at this party?
I looked at message and i started to think.
I never drink. Because I don't want to become like my mother, but i guess i can try some party.
Hiiii yeah sure send me location and i will be there!
I send the message while i was thinking what should i wear. Probably i will wear this dress what i am wearing its pretty.
Umm its the house where Brady lives.
I sighed because I don't like Brady that much. He is my ex. But we broke up long ago when he wanted to have sex with me.
When he started to kiss my neck something felt wrong. It was the day when i realised that i actually love girls. Like i knew it but i dint want to believe it.
Ugh its a bad memory.
OKkkk i will be there
I send the message and i just grabbed my phone and i quietly got downstairs.
Luckily she didn't hear me and i decided to wear heels.
Yeah i know its not good idea but whatever.

When i walked i was listening to music.
I could walk here because its like only 8 minutes away from my house.
While i was listening to music i started to smile because i just remembered what Miss Vergara said to me today.. And her touch,her smell,her face just her everything.
While i was thinking about her i was already opposite of Brady's house.
I took deep breath and i walked in.

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