My new teacher

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My alarm at 5 AM started to play one of my favourite song -One of the girls by the Weeknd, but i was already awake because my mother is watching to the tv again and its almost at full volume. I just groan and roll my eyes.

I stand up and I rub my tired face. I put my blonde hair in messy bun and i slowly walk to the bathroom so my mother wont hear that I'm already awake.
I did my whole morning routine while i was listening to my favs songs so.
After i did my make-up i dress up. I put on my longer pink skirt with white long sleeved shirt and i put over grey oversized hoodie. I took big deep breaths and i walk downstairs to the living room. My mom just looks at me and don't say anything. I'm kinda surprised about it she's usually saying that I shouldn't go out like this etc..I grab my headphones and my bag and i start to listen my fav music while i walk to my school.

I'm usually early at school bu today i was little later. My first class was unfortunately Spanish. I love when someone speaks Spanish but when i speak Spanish it just sounds weird plus i hate talking in class.
I sit on my seat and i just grab my books of Spanish. I texted one of my friends that has same classes with me but she isn't answering.
So I grabbed my phone and i was scrolling on instagram

After 10 minutes when bell rang and someone opened the door.
But it wasn't our teacher it was really young and pretty teacher she looks that she is 25! Our old teacher was a male and looked like pig.
She's kinda tall with short black hair. We said good morning and we sat down.
She started to speak "Good morning class." Even tho she looks like that she's gonna have harsh voice she has really calm voice that you could to listen for hours.

Our class was kinda shocked because the teacher is really pretty and she looks young almos like our age.

Today we only introduced ourself in Spanish but she didn't say anything about herself. Only that her last name is Vargara.
We we're supposed to say something about our self and then family or pet. It was my turn. I kinda panicked because i zoned out but then i started to talk.
"Hola.. mi nombre es Beck. Tengo 19 años de edad. Mi madre..."
( name is Beck. I'm 19 years old. My mother..)
Shit why did i started to talk about my mother. Beck start to think what can i say about my mother..
"Um.. Ella es agradable." Oh god why did i said that.
(Um.. She's nice.)
While i was saying that the teacher was looking at me with small smile.
I slightly smiled too. Even tho i was nervous because i said totally bullshit about my mother.Like I don't have to care no one knows about my mother.

After Spanish lesson we had biology class but it was so boring. I was still thinking about the little smile. Oh god what i am thinking about. I covered my face from embarrassment.
The other classes was boring..

Time skip

After my classes i went to some coffe shop for some coffe. I think i deserve it today i got two A's so yeah i wil buy my coffe. I walked to the coffe shop and i see inside Ms. Vargara?! I looked at her but then i zoned out while the waitress started to talk "Hey madam what do you want?" She said annoyed and i looked at her and i chuckled nervously "oh sorry.. One cappuccino" she just rolled her eyes and she leaved.

I sit at the table and i just sighed. Then i feel someone touching my shoulder and I jumped a little. It was Ms. Vargara..

"Oh hello Beck." She said calmly like always and i immediately smiled at her. She remembers my name..?
"Hello Ms. Vargara.. soo what are you doing here?" I asked her nicely. She sits opposite me and she sips of her coffe. "I'm usually going here mostly because its calm here." She says and she sips again. I just smile and then i hear that my coffe is done.
I stand up and i gave her my money while i sip my coffe. I wanted to sit again but Ms. Vargara is missing.. I guess she just went back home. I still sit down because I don't come back home right now. Its gonna be 6 PM and its the time when usually mom sleeps.
I decided to look up for my brother. He is really smart and talented so he has a lot of hobbies.
Today he has guiar lesson and it ends at 6:30 so i should be there.
I put on my headphones while i was listening to my favourite artist Melanie Martinez.

After some time i could see the building of his school. It's 6:34 so he should be outside soon.

After 3 minutes i could see him and he runs to me. I chuckle and i run to him too so we can hug.
"Okayyy don't crush mee" "How was guitar lesson?" I said and he just looks away "Yeah it was fine.." he said it kinda sad.
I hope that nothing happened to him. We were quiet the whole time when we were walking.

"Do you think that mom is drinking again?" He asked me and i looked him. "Um.. im not sure but don't worry she wont be angry" I smiled at him. I know that he knows she is gonna be drunk. He doesn't have to be scared because always its me that gets in argue etc..

We are almost home I grabbed my keys from our house and I opened the door. I put m shoes down and i tried to quietly go to room if maybe she fall asleep.
"Hey." I heard from kitchen where i can see my mother. "Hi.." I said while i tried to smile at her little bit. I don't have energy for her. I turned around and wanted to go my room but then she grabbed my hand tightly . Oh not again..
"Are you fucking kidding me? You are not leaving do you see the mess here?" She points at the kitchen where are uncleaned dishes etc..
"I'm sorry mom." I thought she would say something worse.

After i cleaned everything I went upstairs so i can shower myself.
I got into shower and i was still thinking about the teacher.. I don't know why but there is just something interesting on her..
After showering my body i removed my makeup and i finally lay don on bed.
But then some random number texted me.

I decided to look at it tomorrow and i finally fell asleep.

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