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Walking down the school corridors after being dismissed by my sister to get her non-fat, no-foam soy latte (with a packet of organic sweetener), I see an interesting scene unfold.

Chad Danforth is sitting at a table on the covered patio, and Troy Bolton hands him a familiar ticket; it's for the musical we're performing tomorrow. Ever since Troy, the captain of the basketball team, took part in the winter musical, he and his girlfriend Gabriella have been hoarding all the lead roles, much to some people's displeasure.

I approach discreetly, and hear when the invitation is rejected.

— ...and you already know what I think of that. If you continue with these extravagances —

— It's not extravagant, it's sensitive.

— Even worse! You'll end up like that guy from the drama club, and I refuse to be around to see it.

The two of them stare at each other in silence, until Troy leaves the ticket he was still holding on the table and walks away.

As soon as the other is far enough away, I approach, determined, and sit down at the table, confronting him from above. He lets out a deep sigh at the sight of me, and I smile sarcastically.

— So you're going to watch your friend tomorrow night?

— Not at all. And that's none of your business.

— It's my business from the moment I'm mentioned in the conversation.

— You snooped wrong, I didn't say your name.

— "The guy from the drama club"... so far, I'm the only guy in the drama club at East High. Apart from your friend, now.


— Touché.

I can visualize my resolute aura engulfing the boy, but I decide to back off. The truth is that Chad and I have never had a one-on-one conversation before, and I'm interested in hearing him speak. I soften my voice.

— Why don't you support Troy?

— Because he's the captain. Without him, no game. If he becomes obsessed with these little show tunes, the basketball team goes down the drain. And that even affects the school's reputation!

His conviction is apparent: his body rises and leans towards me.

— And you care about the school's reputation?

— Yes...


— Mmhm. And what were you saying about "show tunes"...?

— It's not hip-hop, rock... Nothing essential to the culture.

— Wow. Your head must be full of air like that stupid ball of yours.

— If you came here just to fight with me, that's enough. I'm sorry for talking about you, it won't happen again. You can go now.

Knowing that Chad Danforth is carrying my name around in his mouth doesn't sound so bad, really. And I could spend hours having a real fight with him, but in the meantime there's only one thing I want.

— Ha! How cute — The word makes him tilt his head in annoyance, with a disapproving look. — but no, I didn't come here for that. I came because I was curious.

— Curious about what?

— You only repeat "Troy this, Troy that...", but aren't you also the incredible second-best player on the team?

— You... think that?

He's baffled; being praised without linking him to his friend simply leaves him not knowing how to act.

CharmTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon