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Author's Notes (2/14/2024): Happy Valentine's Day! I'm back! And just like I promised, Chapter 2 on the 14th.

I wanted to say, THANK ALL OF YOU for leaving a review. I read and replied to those that I could. I really enjoyed reading them.

I don't want to take up too much of your time. If there are any questions, you can contact me on Twitter: ItsEl_Cato.

Happy reading!

Saitama x Tatsumaki


- Chapter 2 -


Tatsumaki was unsure how to properly feel about this situation.

She didn't trust him. She didn't trust anyone, period... but she couldn't use her powers. Completely and utterly spent. So she was at his mercy.

Yet this was the first time she'd seen him since their fight, and this was also the first time being held in such a way. At least, while awake.

She felt embarrassed being cradled. And the realization dawned on her.

He just saw her in her most vulnerable state, ever.

This wasn't a Monster Association type of ordeal, where it took a squadron of Dragon-level threats to take her down WHEN she was at her weakest. And she was unconscious when both Genos and King protected her.

The thought of them assisting made her feel disgusted.

Which made her feel even more enraged that this bald idiot she's been obsessing over (as Fubuki had so eloquently uttered when they last talked) not only just saw her, but also 'saved' her in her absolute worst moment to date.

She was at full power when she fought Hermes. Maybe a lot more than she estimated.

And he almost took her down.

She underestimated the man a lot. Six years of prep time? She thought herself invincible, and that notion felt heightened when it took so many Dragons to take her down while weakened. (still a very much hated feeling).

If she could get any angrier, she would. But she doubted she could muster the energy to feel so heated, she guessed–

"You did good."

He had cut her off.

She finally noticed the speed at which they were going. He had slowed down considerably, on purpose. She didn't know why but she knew he was much faster than this. She also knew that the initial burst in speed was much faster than his current pace.

But her mind brought her back to his words.

"I've only ever seen you so beat up after fighting a super strong monster." He noted. "To see you again like this, the monster must've been pretty strong, no?"

She didn't respond, but she listened. Better question, when did he see her like this? Was it during the monster association attack? She knew he was present. But he also saw her in such a vulnerable state?

Bah... Didn't matter. This whole ordeal made her feel terrible.

"Yet, with all the destruction, the first thing you did was save all those people." He looked at her, she looked back, their eyes firmly locked onto one another.

"Haah," she let out another sigh, and she felt a tingling sensation.

She squirmed a bit under his arms, it hurt doing so but she couldn't help it.

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