The first meet

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Alan was  getting ready for  the meeting. He put a denim jeans and a white t shirt on and picked his phone to call Way.
"Hello" Way said
" Where are you? We will be late" Alan replied
"I am at your doorstep, comeout and don't shout, it's prohibited for old people" Way added sarcastically and hung up, not giving time for Alan to reply.
Alan grabbed his jacket and rushed to the door. Way was waiting infront of his car wearing full black with dark shades. He was looking absolutely stunning wih his clear, fair skin and a gentle touch of natural blush.
Alan: Let's go, we're already late.
Way: okay, get in
Way played some relaxing music in the car and after 20 min they reached their destination. The building was absolutely breathtaking! With its sleek design and towering height, it's was like a majestic needle reaching for the sky.When they entered the building the two guards on the ground bowed and said" This way sir". Prem was waiting there and when Way and Alan approached him he said" Mr. Pete is waiting for you, he is in his office"
Both of them went straight to his office.The office of a CEO was like a space that exudes elegance and sophistication, with luxurious furnishings and tasteful decor. From the moment they stepped inside, they felt the aura of authority and ambition.
Pete was standing and looking panoramic view from the office window. When he saw them entering his office he came forward and greeted them, and offered them the chairs and said:
"Hello, I am Pete, the owner of Beyond group, greeting Alan with a handshake"
Alan shook hands with him and introduced himself as the owner of the garage and the former member of the team. Then Way said: I am Way, main racer of the team, nice to meet you" bringing his hand forward, but Pete had some different plans,he kept looking in his eyes for a while, when Way was about to take his hand back, Pete shook hand with him saying" nice to meet you too"
They discussed about the sponsorship and other programs for about an hour but Pete kept looking towards Way, which made him a bit uncomfortable. After their meeting ended Pete said to both of them" "Let's keep in touch,for other activities other than business", it was a bold move by Pete at that time. Both of them bid farewell and left. On their way to their home, Alan was quite happy because his problem was solved,but Way was quite confused about Pete's behavior but he choosed to remain silent as he didn't want to become a hindrance.
On the other hand Pete was thinking about Way, he was thinking about the possible reasons to meet him but he couldn't figure out any reasons. But he was so impatient to meet him again,he called his secretary and asked him for some ideas and at the end of the day they decided to throw a party for the racers to be a part of the company. They sent invitation to every racer and worker of the garage.

Ik this part is not too much interesting but i didn't wanted to jump on the romantic scene but i wanted it to become more realistic.Vote for this chapter and i will try my best for the another one!!

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