Chapter 21: Alice's revenge

Start from the beginning

"I know. That's why i think whatever he does, won't be related to school. He might hex you, or something. He is quite unhinged you know."

"Dela's right, he definitely will have something else planned." Sarah shuddered. "Last week, Mary said that she heard, he shoved a first year Hufflepuff's head down a toilet."

"Oh, so his bullying tactics are the same as an insecure muggle, the same people he thinks he is much better than."

"And he cursed some girl's teeth to grow very big." Sarah added nervously.

"Well, now that's something." Alice said dryly putting her bag on her shoulder going out of the class, with Adelaide and Sarah trailing after her.

"I'm serious Ali." Sarah said shaking her head.

"And i am not afraid of him."

"Well yes, and you shouldn't be, since he is a prickly crazy second year Slytherin boy with an ego to feed, but what Sarah and i are saying is that if you're going against him, and he is retaliating, always be on guard. Since he has... disgusting ways to retaliate, to put it mildly." Adelaide continued putting a hand on Alice's arm.

"Yes, well i'll be on guard. Don't worry about me." She smiled at them and they all left for their common room.


All was forgotten three day later when they were leaving the great hall after dinner.
The seven girls were standing in one of the corridors leading to the stairs, talking.

"Well, my older sisters don't leave privacy for somethings. I absolutely dread the day that i grow up and they tease me about dating and stuff. Since they will already be graduated and I can't really retaliate."
Adelaide said shuddering.

"Ah, that will be terrible. But i suppose it's worse for you Marlene, since you have two older brothers. But they will graduate this year, so they will be relieved from embarrassing you further, isn't it?" Lily said glancing at the blonde girl beside her.

"Yep, last week, they told Mary and Dorcas some crazy made up stories, well not wholly made up ones,
to embarrass me." Marlene sighed.

"They were eavesdropping when Marls was recounting some of her childhood adventures." Mary explained.

"Ah, the joys of having brothers; they tend to eavesdrop on personal and private conversations that you have with your friends." Marlene said dramatically.

"Oh, so should i worry about the day that my brother gets older and becomes a menace?" Sarah said gulping down.

"Absolutely. Expect some lines to be blurred."

"Well, Edmund is already a handful sometimes, i don't like to see what he'll become later." Adelaide looked at Sarah. "We are doomed, Sarah."

"My brother already has started giving me stupid nicknames. He is calling me Sammie, for god's sake!"

"Oh, well now that the cat's out of the bag, i am most eager to call you Sammie." Dorcas said laughing mischievously. Others nodded snickering.

"No don't you dare."

"Well, you mustn't have shared that with us, Sammie." Adelaide added laughing hard at Sarah's anguished face.

Alice opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted when Mulciber's voice was heard :"Entomorphis!"

Adelaide quickly jumped in front of Alice and shouted: "Protego!" A shield surrounded them, diverting the hex.

Adelaide gave Mulciber a glare, as he tried to do it another time, again trying to hit Alice.

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