Chapter 19: the burdensome reality

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December 1972

Adelaide didn't know how to catch the identity of the werewolf, not yet, and soon it was Christmas before she knew it. She vowed to close the case after Christmas, since she was too curious to let it drag.
She once asked Victoria if she could hear noises too, some 2 weeks ago.

"Victoria do you hear noises too? At night? Some howls of pain and all?"

"That resembles shrieking? Yep." Victoria said sipping her coffee, while she held a book to her nose.

"Well, did you always hear it?"

"No actually. I have only been hearing it for 2 years. This is the second year, i mean. One of the Slytherins asked the headmaster and he said that there is a house, nearby Hogsmeade. It is hunted by ghosts now. Next year, you'll see it yourself. It is already achieving quite a reputation, you know. No one dares going inside it, even if it was possible."

"Interesting." Adelaide said, her mind working at a rapid speed. So this confirms that he knows about the werewolf student. But one thing that Adelaide didn't know was how she didn't hear anything last year. Perhaps it's because i used to sleep better but nowadays my mind is too busy to let me have a good night sleep. And whenever she tried to sleep, she would toss and turn so much that her tiring of that would make her fall sleep.

The only thing she knew that was promising enough was that the student was from the second year.

Adelaide's powers had grown rapidly and had become rather... vicious to say the least. You couldn't catch her without her gloves. Even at sleep, she would wear them as well. She tried her hardest to calm her powers down but without those gloves, randomly some ice would shoot out her hand. Even Dumbledore was surprised by how much her powers were uncontrollable.

Alice and Sarah were staying the Christmas at Sarah's house. Adelaide was also invited, but she didn't accept the invitation because she wanted to go home. Her father had also told them that it was urgent for them to stay this Christmas at home, Adelaide knew why. Her mother's condition had deteriorated, and perhaps it was her father's way of saying that her mother needed them, or that their mother was dying, something that Adelaide knew all too well, subconsciously thought about it, but refused to acknowledge.

Adelaide was waiting for her sisters in Mcgonagall's office. She was fidgeting so much, that Mcgonagall stopped writing to somewhat glare at her. She was never glared at by her, so she stopped it all at once. Adelaide was dreading going home, not because she didn't want to go, but because she was dreading seeing her mother and likely guessing how much time she had left. She dreaded seeing her Elizabeth and Victoria's face crumbling when they learn of the reality, the truth that was not noticed by them and hidden from them. Ignorance is truly a bliss, isn't it?

Her sisters arrived bantering each other.
"Wait until i tell them, about your boy-" Victoria said, smirking.

"Toria, it's not the time, and stop being such an idiot. Gosh, you are such a handful sometimes."

They stopped talking, when they reached the fireplace.
"Well, you know the drill, so hurry up. There are lots of other students coming soon." Professor Mcgonagall said looking at the two older girls.

They said their farewells and well wishes and left. Adelaide was the last person. When she arrived home, she was greeted by Helena and Edmund. Her father also hugged her and greeted her as well.

"Your mother is tired, after dinner we will all visit her." Her father explained understanding her questioning look.

"Very well."
They went to the dining room, the food was already laid out.

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