The Fool

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I've been spending hours in front of my computer screen, hoping that if I just stared at my calculus homework long enough, it would magically solve itself. But eventually I realise that this is just wishful thinking. I make the decision to open my phone and take a break.

Basic content, like some tech billionaire boasting about his new AI product, dominates the top of my X feed. AI is so last decade. Does he even know what innovation is?

I ignore the post and move on. I notice the next post and click to read it. "Bank Robbery in Progress at the District Bank," it says. "Police have surrounded the building and are holding fourteen people hostage. According to the police, two armed robbers are inside. The pair has already been identified by the police, who also suspect them of being behind three additional robberies this year."

I smack my laptop shut and lick my lips. Schoolwork can wait. It will still be here later today, but I'm not sure when I'll have the opportunity to foil another bank heist.

I get to my feet gingerly, tiptoeing towards my wardrobe so as not to wake my mom, who is sound asleep in the next room.

I put on a green skirt, black stockings that go with my black boots, and a long-sleeve blue top. I wrap a white scarf around my head and put on green gloves. With the exception of my blue eyes, the scarf obscures the majority of my face, including the scar on my cheek. I then take out my ponytail, allowing my long, wavy black hair to spill over my shoulders, and wrap myself in a chic green hoodie.

I casually open the window after walking up to it. I then leap outside.

My trajectory comes to a brutal stop fifteen stories lower as I slam into a parked car. Debris flies everywhere. I straighten up and brush away all of the dust from my outfit.

There's a guy across the street who is staring at me with big eyes. His face goes pale, and he drops his bag of groceries. The fruits and veggies roll everywhere, but the man doesn't even notice.

I snap at him. "Dude, you look like your eyes popped out of their sockets. Has your mom never taught you that staring is extremely rude? "

The dude stays dead still and keeps staring at me.

"Oi." I snap my fingers twice. "Scramble."

Out of nowhere, he comes to his senses. After hastily grabbing everything that fell out of his bag, he takes off running.

"Yeah, run." I shout after him.

I straighten my hoodie and casually leap from the wreck. I stroll up to the next car and touch the door handle with my fingers. I sense the metal bits of the lock through the door and smirk. The stupid lock is made of steel. It is like the manufacturer wants me to steal it. If not, they would not have made the lock out of something magnetic.

I give the door lock a little tap with my fingers, and I feel lightning jolting through the tips. I focus on the lock's pins. The pins respond to my will and slide up and down as I apply torsion to the lock's core. To my satisfaction, it clicks open.

I enter the car and perform the same trick on the ignition. I laugh as I feel the car start.

Perched on a T-junction, the bank is a giant structure made from white marble. As expected, all three arms are blocked off by crosswise-parked police cars. Officers are busy taping off the surrounding area.

"Sweet, the robbery is still in progress," I think. "Let them see what a badass hero I am."

I approach one of the police vehicles obstructing the road and exit the car. I stroll right up to the officer, who is drinking a cup of coffee.

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