Chapter 4

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Y/n was on one of her normal late shifts; checking on the children to make sure they were asleep. She was helping one child who seemed to have had a nightmare calm down.

It was a young boy named Will. He was around 8 years old. He had been sent to Leith Pierre earlier that day for a few hours and seemed out of it once he returned. Y/n sat on the end of the little boys' bed watching over him as he twisted and turned under his blankets.


Y/n said softly as she beckoned the cat into the room. Catnap enterd shortly after and looked at the teen. His eyes flickered from her to the little boy. He returned his gaze as he saw a faint sign of concern cross the young woman's face.

"Can we help him...?"

Y/n responded as she watched Catnap sit beside her and watch over the boy. He looked at Y/n, giving a small nod.

"Wake him up."

He spoke, his voice was slightly raspy as if his voice box wasn't working but that's how it was programmed to be. Y/n looked at him, took a deep breath and gently placed a hand on Will.

She carefully shook the boy awake and softly called his name. It was enough and woke him up with tears in his eyes. His breathing was rapid and his eyes were wide open in fear.

"Miss Y/n?!"

The boy stuttered out in short gasps. His heart beat against his chest as he looked around the room frantically. He noticed that he was with Catnap and Y/n.

"Hey sweetheart, you're okay. Just take some deep breaths with me. You're okay, CatNap and I are here with you."
Y/n says and began doing deep breathing exercises to calm the boy which it worked. After the boy had settled, Y/n looked at Catnap to make sure he was still there with her.

"Did you have a nightmare, Will?"

The boy nodded his head.

"Do you want to talk about it with Catnap and I?"

He hesitated for a moment before he spoke.
"I saw a monster and it was chasing me. It was colourless."

Y/n looked at Catnap who returned her gaze with his own. Y/n gave Catnap a concerned look before turning to face the kid with a warm smile.

"Well it was only a nightmare and it can't hurt you. If it tried to, Catnap and I along with all the smiling critters will protect you."

Y/n reassured the little boy. She placed a hand on his shoulder as she gave a light reassuring squeeze.

"You will?"

Y/n looked at Catnap with a smile as she returned her gaze to Will.

"Yes Will, I promise you that I will."

Y/n replies as the little boy hugged her to which she returned it. Catnap curled his body against Y/n and Will's body as he joined in on the hug.

His purple tail swished gently from side to side as he watched over the two....


I struggled to get my eyes open. I felt something carrying me but I didn't know what. I fought against the unchanged exhaustion as I peeled my eyes open to see to big purple claws walking towards a small round shaped door.

One of the purple claws reached out and opened the round door and dropped me down a tunnel. It made my body turn around and I got a quick glimpse of who was carrying me. It was a big purple cat that I knew almost too well.

It was such a a shock that I uttered out:


My words echoed up towards him as I descended quickly down the dark tunnel before my body hit the ground with a loud thud.


I moaned out in pain as I felt what little air I had in my lungs get knocked out of me. I pushed myself off of my side and got to my feet. I struggled for balance as I tried to figure out where I ended up.

I didn't get enough time for red lights started to blare as the walls around me slowly began to get closer to me. It dawned on me of where I was. I was in the trash compactor.

I frantically searched for a way out only to find a blue conveyor belt to be towards my left. I climbed up on it and made my way through some form of backrooms. I progressed forward as I went forward towards a room with a bloodstained couch.

There was tape player there, surprise surprise. I watched the tape I became increasingly uncomfortable. When the tape ended, I pondered for a moment.

"What happened to all those kids?"

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