Chapter 3

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"Just five more minutes, please miss Y/n," a young boy whined as she began to round up kids for bedtime.

"No, Finn it's time for bed. You know the drill.
Besides, Catnap thinks so too, right Catnap?"
The girl says as she turns to her feline companion. Catnap looks at the boy and gives a small nod before returning his gaze towards his co-worker.

"It's time for bed."

Y/n nods her head in agreement. "If you go to bed now, you'll wake up feeling fresh and ready to play again."

Finn looks at Catnap before looking back at Y/n. He gives a heavy sigh as he surrenders in defeat.

"Okay but only if you promise." Finn says as he looks up at Y/n. Y/n gives him a small warm smile. She kneels down to his level so she could see eye to eye with him.

"Of course , Finn. I promise."

He smiles at her before nodding off out of happiness.

"Now come on munchkin, let's get you and the others to bed so you can drift off into Dreamland where you'll have sweet dreams."

Finn rushes ahead of them, leaving them behind. Y/n smiles as she watches him run off to his room. Catnap walks behind her and rests his chin on her head. Y/n let's out a giggle as she reaches to pet the large cat.

" Don't worry, you'll get some loving too. Let's get the children to sleep and then I'm all yours." Y/n replies as she scratches the cat's cheek with him letting out a soft purr in response.

They then follow Finn to take care of the children for bedtime.


I felt tired for I had to stress about playing these twisted games with Mommy Long Legs. First I had one of the hands of the grab pack taken away from me by Mommy, had to play musical memory with a rabbit holding cymbals descend faster if I took too long to remember the pattern, Wack-a-Wuggy by hitting mini Huggy Wuggies in the face with the grab pack to avoid being killed, and Statues with Pj-Pug-a-Pillar, a dog that's a caterpillar.

I found a way to escape while playing the final game which pisses Mommy Long Legs off. She started begging me to come back but eventually claimed to hunt for me. I was in a deadly tag game with her.

I was being chased by her. While trying to escape, I found a handle that I could use the Grab Pack to lift me up. As I did so, Mommy came crashing down on me in a fit of rage.

I ASKED YOU TO PLAY FAIR! AND YOU CHEATED! I HATE CHEATERS! NOW, we're going to play one. Last. GAME! It's called hide and SEEK!"

She began to descend into more insanity as she gave out her instructions. Her once green eyes becoming big black pupils that covered her irises. When she finished speaking, she began to count down with each number sounding more sinister by the second.

" 9"
" 8"
" 7"
" 6"
" 5"
" 4"
" 3"
" 2"

After 2, I could no longer hear her for I was bolting down the stairs. I made my way through an eerier looking hallway and entered a vent again. It led to a room with 4 colourful levers.

I couldn't figure out how to solve it until I spotted a handle for the grab pack. I grabbed it and was lifted to see 4 colourful wires that led to where the colourful levers were.

Once the levers were hit in the correct order, a gate door labeled as 'Bay 2' opened, leading into another hallway. I followed the hallway until Mommy Long Legs reappeared. I quickly spun around and began to run for my life again with Mommy hot on my heels.

The sound of disoriented laughs were heard behind me as I looked for a way to escape her. I used the same grab handler from the lever room and watched as Mommy Long Legs ran past where I was.

I let our a quite heavy breathe as I lowered myself back to the ground. I found myself in a room with a giant furnace in it. I solved another puzzle which led to a catwalk where Mommy Long Legs was waiting for me.

I turned around again and headed straight for the furnace where I got inside the furnace and closed the doors to hide from her and it worked. As soon as she was gone, I went back down the catwalk and pulled a lever.

Mommy Long Legs reappeared again so I ran away from her again and headed for the hallway where I reencountered her. It was falling apart but helped me escape from her as it eventually led me to a hallway.

At the end of a hallway was a door that had to be opened with the blue hand. I slammed the blue hand onto it. Within seconds, I heard Mommy approaching me. The door took forever to open but when it did, I threw myself in once I could squeeze under.

I saw a grinder of sorts there that had a lever. I quickly pulled it just as Mommy Long Legs entered the room. She became stuck. Her hand was caught. Noticing the problem, Mommy began to pull her arm to break free but to no avail.

She began to scream a painfully bitter scream as her arm was being eaten away by the machine and soon her whole body.


Her lower torso was crushed in the machine and her hips up were ripped away from the rest of her as she screamed in agony. Her scream died down as her upper half fell to the cold floor.

I stared at her for a few moments taking what just happened in before a wired arm appeared from underneath the boarded up doorway. It's long fingers reached for the remaining part of Mommy Long Legs and pulled her underneath the doorway, never to be seen again.

I hesitantly continued on, feeling mentally disturbed but slightly less stressed for Mommy was no longer pursuing me.

I made my way back to the train and boarded it. My mind kept replaying Mommy's death until Poppy spoke.

"I was so scared she'd put me back in that case. But you saved me... You are perfect. Too perfect to lose. I'm sorry, I can't let you leave."

I watched as the tracks were changed from the exit to play care.

"I've never met anyone like you. So you know how long I've been stuck in that case? Well, too long. I had so much time to think and reflect. Time to figure out exactly what I would do when free. We'll set things right."

She continued...

"Terrible things have happened. But I know that whatever I need you to do...

" You're capable. "

" We will-"

She was interrupted by the sound of beeping coming from in front of me.
The train began to go faster and faster.

It became too fast that the horns were honking and the red button was flashing.
It then had a sign light up that read:

'Warning: Unsafe Speeds.

I pulled the break and sparks flew up in front of the train. My heart was beating so loud in my ears. The train ended up falling to its side and crashed. It made the train stop.

I felt my head collide with the side of the train as it hit the ground; taking all my senses away with it.

Then, everything went dark...

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