Chapter 6

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Y/n was nowhere to be found after the children had been put to rest. Catnap was searching for her but couldn't find her. He recalled that Y/n said that she was going on break. She didn't specify how long but only that she would return soon enough.

Almost an hour had passed before CatNap grew concerned as to where his assistant had gone. He left DogDay to watch over the children while he went to find Y/n. The dog only watched as the tall cat walked away to find the missing teen; concern laced over his face where his smile would be.

CatNap eventually found Y/n by the sounds of soft crying were heard in a room. The room was private to certain employees that Y/n was allowed access to. It was basically a break room but could only host a smaller amount of people.

CatNap didn't approach at first and didn't make his presence known. He wanted to observe her behavior as to solve why she was crying. It seemed to him that something traumatic happened that Y/n discovered on her own. It left quite the impact on her for she was visibly shaking. CatNap could easily notice it due to how violently she was trembling.

This saddened the large cat for his companion was terrified. He was stuck in his thoughts as he pondered about to figure out how to help her before a female voice broke him out of his train of thought.

"CatNap, is that... you?"

The sound of a faint yet cracking voice rang out softly as it stirred the purple cat out of his mind. He sat in the doorway and revealed himself to the matured teen.

"Yes. Did I startle you? I did not mean to do so."

His hoarse yet soothing voice reached the girl's ears as she looked up at the cat. He noticed her beautiful face was graced with beautiful lashes, e/c that matched her completion and her gorgeous h/l that was colored a wonderful h/c. He loved to stare at her as to observe her face for he found her very charming.

Y/n's e/c eyes were filled to the brim with tears until her eyes could no longer hold the water. The unwanted water spilled from them and traced her face all the way to her chin. It was as of her tears were having a race with one another.

Although the cat found her very exquisite, seeing her with a pained expression hurt him. It pierced his heart with dejection. Wherever his heart may or may not exist is beyond him for all he knew was that he's a sentient being.

"I would be lying if I said no."

She responded as she looked at her feline friend. It was for a brief moment before she turned her gaze away from him. Her eyes were glued to the floor as if they had no where else to look at or rather, if she were thinking of something to say but didn't know how to put it into words.

"Is it really true? What They did to you all?"

CatNap tilted his head as he glanced down at the young woman that sat before him. He let out a sigh as to let off some weight before he posed a question that threw the woman off guard.

"I assume you've seen something quite disturbing? It also leads me to believe that you found out about what this company does to the children?"

The girl looked up at him with a jerk as her tear-stained face glanced at him with widened eyes. Shock was written all over her face as it was enough for the cat to read her like an open book.

Y/n opens her mouth as to speak but no words left her lips. She closed her mouth just as quickly as she had opened it. Her gaze returned to the tiled floor as she gave a small nod of her head. She felt nauseous all over again.

The Forsaken Factory (Catnap x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें