her voice filled with curiosity.

"I thought we could start by exploring the city together," 

you suggest, 

eager to show Sana all the wonderful sights and experiences your hometown has to offer.

Sana's eyes light up with enthusiasm. 

"That sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see what adventures await us."


you set out to explore the city, 

hand in hand. 

You take Sana to all your favorite spots, 

from charming cafes to picturesque parks. 

Along the way, 

you share stories and laughter, 

getting to know each other better with every step.

As the day progresses, 

you can't help but feel a deep connection forming between you and Sana. 

Despite being a fan of hers for so long, 

you never imagined you would have such a genuine and meaningful interaction with her.

As evening approaches, 

you decide to take Sana to a romantic dinner overlooking the city skyline. 

The atmosphere is enchanting, 

with soft music playing in the background and the city lights twinkling in the distance.

"This is so beautiful," 

Sana whispers, 

her eyes sparkling with awe as she gazes out at the view.

"It's nothing compared to the beauty sitting across from me," 

you reply, 

unable to tear your eyes away from her.

Sana blushes, 

her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. 

"You're too sweet," 

she says, 

her voice barely above a whisper.

As you enjoy your dinner together, 

the conversation flows effortlessly between you and Sana. 

You talk about everything from your favorite memories to your hopes and dreams for the future. In each other's company, 

you feel a sense of comfort and belonging that you've never experienced before.

As the night wears on, 

you realize that you never want this day to end. 

You want to savor every moment with Sana, 

to etch this memory into your heart forever.

As you walk Sana back to her hotel, 

the air is filled with a bittersweet sense of longing. 

You know that your time together is coming to an end, 

but you're determined to make the most of every remaining second.

"Thank you for the most incredible Valentine's Day," 

Sana says, 

her voice soft and sincere as she looks up at you.

"Thank you for making it so special," 

you reply, 

your heart swelling with affection for her.

As you stand there, gazing into each other's eyes, you feel a surge of courage coursing through you. 

Without hesitation, 

you lean in and press your lips to hers in a gentle kiss.

For a moment, 

the world fades away, 

and all that matters is the two of you, 

lost in each other's embrace.

As you pull away, 

you can see the same love and longing reflected in Sana's eyes.

"I don't want this to end," 

she whispers, 

her voice trembling with emotion.

"Then let's make the most of every moment we have together," 

you reply, 

your heart overflowing with love for her.

Hand in hand, 

you walk Sana to her hotel room, 

cherishing every step of the way. 

And as you bid her goodnight, 

you know that this Valentine's Day will be a memory you'll treasure forever.

Sana x Neutral Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now