6. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

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The dreaded day has come, you had been to a few different schools before, all of which had experiences that were just bad in general. Can't wait to experience how bad this one would be, even worse the car ride would at least be 4 hours, 4 hours there and 4 hours back really isn't that ideal for you. but you were still forced to go as it was on your schedule, and according to Uncle Nick, you had to go because you were legally still a child. 

Expecting the long drive and all that academic stuff you had pulled out that backpack back out of your closet, the one with the SHIELD logo on it, it was kinda cringe but that was kind of all you had. You had packed your bag the night before stuffing in a few items: snacks, stationary, your SHIELD-provided tablet, a few gadgets that you got, the weapons they gave you, and ID cards. God, what was their obsession with IDing people, and giving out identification cards to drag around? in the midst of all that you also took a small music player with you, just to enjoy some music along the 8 hours you'll have to endure stuck in a car every week from now, you almost feel bad for the driver, until you realize that no one was driving and it was a self-driving car that was going to take you there. 

At this point, you have refined your skills a bunch even tho it has only been a week, the tech and training gear here were very helpful to you.



You lean back and gaze out the window, observing the familiar landscapes passing by. The self-driving car smoothly navigates through the city streets and eventually transitions onto the open highway. As the urban scenery gives way to rolling countryside, a sense of tranquility washes over you.

With the tablet in your lap, you decide to make the most of the long journey by delving into some of the educational modules provided by Xavier's School. The interactive lessons bring subjects like genetic history, ethics, and control of skills and powers to life in engaging and immersive ways. Although you find yourself captivated by the content, you still feel like the people there would be unreasonable.

Occasionally, you glance at the SHIELD logo on your backpack and can't help but find it a bit cringy. You wonder why they feel the need to brand everything with their logo. It's almost as if they want everyone to know that they're involved in your life. You let out a chuckle, shaking your head at the excessive branding.

As the hours pass, you periodically switch between tinkering with the gadgets trying and enjoying your music. The curated playlist serves as a soundtrack, each song resonating with your emotions and aspirations. It becomes a comforting companion, a reminder that you are not alone on this path. (𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝚎𝚖𝚘 - 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜)

As the car nears its destination, you tuck away your tablet, gadgets, and ID cards back into your backpack. You take a moment to reflect on how far you've come in just a week. 

As the car roughly pulls to a stop arriving at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, you step out and take a deep breath, ready to embrace the picking and cringe of the teachers. You wished you were training the whole day, instead, you had to come to this stupid school and learn stupid shit, you would rather go to a bunch of briefings for a whole day, you thought to yourself.

As you step out of the car, your initial resentment towards the school lingers in your mind. The dread of another disappointing educational experience weighs heavily on you. You can't help but roll your eyes at the thought of dealing with teachers and classmates who may not understand or appreciate your abilities. 

(yo give the school a chance man.. Oh right, I'm the author... YAY! I WILL GIVE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!! - Yours)

Carrying your backpack, you enter the school grounds with a mix of resignation and skepticism. However, before you can make your way to your first class, a gentle voice calls out, "Excuse me, are you Y/N?"

The Dawn of a New Arrow || Son of Hawkeye, Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin