1: Who are you?

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3RD Person POV

Missouri, USA: March, 2006

Part One: A Surprise Visitor

The warm summer sun bathed the Barton family farm in a golden glow as (Y/N), a bright and inquisitive youngster, eagerly waited in the living room. Their father, Clint Barton, entered with a playful smile dancing on his lips. The rest of the family slumbered peacefully, unaware of the surprise about to unfold.

"Dad, what's in store for us today?" (Y/N) asked, their eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Clint's eyes twinkled with excitement. "Well, (Y/N), get ready for a surprise. We have a special visitor."

(Y/N)'s excitement bubbled over. "Who is it, Dad? Tell me!"

Clint motioned for (Y/N) to follow him, their steps careful and hushed. Together, they tiptoed through the house until they reached the rustic kitchen, where Laura, (Y/N)'s mother, stood amidst the delightful aroma of breakfast being prepared.

Laura's eyes sparkled with delight as she saw them. "Good morning, you two. Are you ready for a surprise that will make today extraordinary?"

(Y/N) nodded vigorously, their imagination running wild. "Yes, Mom! What's the surprise? Who's here?"

Laura gestured toward the kitchen entrance, and in walked a woman with fiery red hair and a warm smile. It was Auntie Nat, Clint's closest friend and a legendary figure in their household.

"(Y/N), meet Auntie Nat," Laura introduced with a warm embrace. "She's a dear friend of your dad's, and she's come to visit us."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened with awe as they looked at Auntie Nat. They had heard countless tales of her heroic exploits and remarkable skills. Meeting her in person was a dream come true.

"Auntie Nat!" (Y/N) exclaimed, their voice filled with genuine excitement. "I can't believe you're here. It's an honor to meet you."

Auntie Nat's smile radiated warmth as she crouched down to (Y/N)'s level. "The pleasure is all mine, (Y/N). I've heard so much about you from your dad. He's told me how smart and brave you are."

(Y/N) blushed, their heart swelling with pride. "Thank you, Auntie Nat. I've always admired your courage and skills."

Clint interrupted their exchange, a playful glimmer in his eyes. "I thought it would be a perfect day for you and Auntie Nat to have some quality time together. We didn't want to wake the others just yet. It can be our little secret."

(Y/N) beamed, their anticipation mounting. "What are we going to do today, Auntie Nat? Can we explore the farm or maybe have an adventure?"

Auntie Nat chuckled softly, her voice filled with warmth. "Absolutely, (Y/N). Today, we can embark on a grand exploration of the farm, filled with surprises and fun activities. It will be a day etched in our memories forever."

As the day unfolded, Auntie Nat and (Y/N) embarked on their special journey. They wandered through the sprawling Barton farm, discovering secret hideaways and hidden treasures. Auntie Nat shared captivating stories of her daring escapades and the valuable lessons she had learned throughout her life.

They played games in the sun-drenched fields, their laughter echoing through the countryside. Auntie Nat's guidance encouraged (Y/N) to push their limits, fostering a sense of curiosity and bravery.

Part Two: Archery and Sword Fighting

The sun continued its radiant journey across the sky as Auntie Nat and (Y/N) ventured into the sprawling fields surrounding the Barton family farm. The tall grasses swayed gently in the warm breeze as they sought out a perfect spot for their next adventure.

The Dawn of a New Arrow || Son of Hawkeye, Male ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon