4. S.H.I.E.LD.

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In the quiet farmhouse nestled away from the chaos of the world, Clint and Laura Barton sat at their kitchen table, deep in discussion. The topic at hand was a delicate one - the letter of recruitment for their child, Y/n, a 10-year-old, into S.H.I.E.L.D. Clint and Laura being the fiercely protective parents they were, also had witnessed firsthand the dangers in their own lives as former agents. They were determined to shield Y/n from a similar fate, the same reason Laura retired from the job, the lifestyle. "I know this is dangerous, but this really could be a great opportunity for Y/n, and we know that Y/n is different... sending him to a school would be the last thing we should do," Clint claimed with confidence.

Reluctantly, Laura responds with "I know, but don't you think that Y/n deserves a life of normalness, something more passive, you know how it goes. I just don't think that this would be the best option for him. After all, he's still a child."

Just as the tension began to rise, a knock echoed through the door. Clint and Laura exchanged curious glances before Clint rose to answer it. To his surprise, he found Nick Fury, the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., standing on his doorstep with Maria Hill, a formidable agent known for her diplomatic skills.

"Clint, Laura," Nick greeted them with a nod. "May we come in? We want to talk about the recruitment of Y/n, it has been quite a while since we sent the reference, I just want to know if Y/n and Y'all know that you're discussing."

Clint stepped aside, allowing the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to enter their home. As they settled around the kitchen table, Maria's calm presence diffused the tension that had filled the room."Look, we understand your concerns," Maria began, her voice gentle yet persuasive. "We've seen the dangers of this world, and we understand why you want to protect Y/n."Clint's gaze softened as he listened to Maria's words, while Laura watched intently, her arms folded across her chest.

Nick Fury leaned forward, his eye fixed on Clint and Laura. "But you have to understand that Y/n is extraordinary. They have a unique potential that could make a difference in ways we can't even imagine."

Clint's brow furrowed. "And you think exposing them to danger at such a young age is the way to do that?" Clint diverts his attention to Y/n who was climbing a tree outside the house, lugging a bunch of different trinkets with him.

Nick nodded. "I won't lie - there are risks involved. But S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't just about throwing people into harm's way. We have the resources, the training, and the technology to protect our agents. We can give Y/n the tools they need to succeed."

Laura spoke up, her voice laced with concern. "But they're just a child. What about their well-being? Their innocence?"

Maria leaned forward, her gaze filled with empathy. "S.H.I.E.L.D. will create a support system in place for young recruits. We do have psychologists, mentors, and agents who specialize in working with children. Y/n won't be alone in this. We'll take care of them every step of the way."

Nick Fury's gaze met Clint's, his voice firm. "Clint, Laura, I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe in Y/n's potential. I've seen what they're capable of, and I believe in their ability to make a difference. S.H.I.E.L.D. can provide them with opportunities they won't find anywhere else."Clint and Laura exchanged a glance, the weight of the decision hanging in the air. After a long moment of contemplation, Clint sighed. "We just want what's best for Y/n," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of concern and hope, while he looked towards Laura, repeating her words.

Nick Fury nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "And I want that too. We're not here to force you or him into anything, but we wanted you to understand the potential we see in Y/n. The choice is ultimately yours."

After a moment of silence, Laura's expression softened. "fine.. but you promise to take good care of him while he's there, he also needs to be back at least once every month" she said, her voice filled with a newfound openness.

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