Chapter 15: Don't Falter, Stand Strong

Start from the beginning

The daily training regimen was adjusted to increase the intensity of bayonet training. Additionally, an officer training course was established, taught by the veteran knight, imparting military knowledge of the era such as setting up camps, ambush and counter-ambush tactics, reconnaissance, and counter-reconnaissance.

Of course, the production and training of firearms would continue. Since the strength of the pirates in the next encounter was unknown, it was essential to prepare a trump card.


At the pirate camp, the pirates were also discussing their plans.

"Quik, Shark sent me to tell you to restrain yourselves."

"Restrain? He's filled his coffers, but I've hardly gotten my hands on anything."

"You've ventured so far from the coast and directly confronted the local lord; you're too bold. Just raid a few civilians and hurry back to Port Fran."

"Bullying unarmed civilians is no real feat, and besides, they have nothing worth taking. If we're going to do something, let's make it big. Old Grayman fell into Shark's trap and kicked the bucket. The entire territory is in a state of panic, making it a prime opportunity. That overconfident kid from their family led troops against us in a battle yesterday. His skills were mediocre at best. It would be a disservice to my pirate profession not to take advantage of this situation."

"Hmph, speaking of Old Grayman, that bastard Shark actually killed a legitimate noble of the fiefdom. Isn't he afraid of provoking the collective wrath of the lords of the Northwest Bay?"

"What's there to fear? Grayman himself broke the 'understanding' between the lords and us, violating the rules of Northwest Bay. It's his own fault. Besides, the Grayman family, being exiles, never got along with the neighboring families. Some might even be secretly enjoying this."

"It was you who first broke the 'understanding,' venturing so far from the coast to stir up trouble..."

"Humph, then why did you come all this way? To administer justice on behalf of the nobles? Enough talk. In a few days, I'll lead my men straight to Lakeheart Town for what we want. If they still resist, I'll tie up their main force, and you can sneak in from the other side..."


Nine days later, the pirates came to claim the goods they had demanded in their letter.

Rowing in small boats, the pirates gradually approached Lakeheart Town. Upon receiving the report, Paul immediately ordered his troops to assemble on the shore, ready for battle, and sent a platoon of guards to inform the residents to lock their doors and windows, and prepare for the worst with kitchen knives in hand.

"What audacious thieves, to dare provoke the center of a Count's territory in broad daylight after attempting a stealth attack under the cover of night," the veteran knight marveled.

"Damn, we've been careless. If they use their naval advantage to trap us, it won't bode well. We should have relocated the island's residents earlier." The veteran knight deeply regretted his oversight. The Grayman family had built the castle on the island to defend against land enemies, not expecting today's threat to come from the water, turning it into a deadly trap.

"Are there any people familiar with naval warfare on the island?" Schroeder asked, but the blank stares from everyone quickly gave him his answer.

"Then we must provoke them to land for a decisive battle..."

The pirates first sent a few small boats to probe near the shore. Confirming that the defenders lacked projectile weapons like bows and crossbows, they brazenly began to land. It seemed that after their victory in the last battle, they no longer regarded the territorial militia as a threat, much to the old knight's relief.

Seeing the pirates outnumbered those in the previous encounter, Paul originally planned a 'halfway ambush,' but the idea was opposed by the veteran knight. He believed that the pirates, being strong swimmers, would jump back into the water if the situation turned sour. Moreover, if they encountered resistance during landing, they would likely use their boats to blockade Lakeheart Island, trapping the soldiers and civilians. What then? Engage in a boat-hopping battle with the pirates?

"Alright, let's have an honorable decisive battle then," Paul resolved, and then reiterated the battle discipline to the entire army.

Optimistically, their chances of victory were still high. Even if the soldiers couldn't overpower the pirates, they had a large number of hand grenades, and six muskets had been successfully made, enough to give the pirates a hard time.

As these thoughts crossed his mind, most of the pirates had already landed and were rushing towards them.

"Hey, Grayman kid, have you prepared the things I asked for in the letter?" the big-bearded pirate bellowed.

"The same big bearded guy with a loud voice."

"Don't show your emotions, don't show your emotions..." the young Count muttered to himself.

"Last time you guys foolishly tried to resist us. Normally, I would have asked for some extra tribute for that. But looking at this sorry place, I doubt you have anything more than a few baskets of stinky fish. I'll be generous, just hand over what I demanded before," the big bearded man arrogantly said.

Paul ordered the bugler to sound the advance call. Bryce shouted, "All troops, prepare! Today we shall slay these scoundrels and avenge our fallen brothers. Forward!"

The drummers beat the marching drums, and the soldiers of three companies, spears in hand, began to advance slowly.

Paul and Bryce initially wanted all four companies to press forward, but the veteran knight insisted on keeping one as a reserve and some discipline enforcers, supposedly for maintaining battlefield discipline.

"Ha, still not taught enough of a lesson?" the big-bearded pirate laughed heartily. "Men, since we're in their homeland this time, if they don't give it, we'll take it ourselves!"

His men roared with laughter. "Quik is right, nobody better steal my kills!" one pirate shouted, gripping his steel sword tightly, his expression turning increasingly ferocious.

As the two sides drew closer, they finally clashed in close combat...

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