Chapter 4: The Princess's Decision

Start from the beginning

"Everyone!" Her voice instantly quieted the room.

"Let's first hear about the responses from other parts of the kingdom. Lord Merlin, please share what you know."

The goatee-sporting Count Merlin nodded at the princess and continued, "Apart from those who were already in cahoots with Jars, no other nobility or power has openly supported him. This is most peculiar. Even with a surprise attack, Jars's chances against us are only fifty-fifty. Moreover, Duke Dodge has declared his unwavering loyalty to the crown, vowing to resist Jars to the end."

"Excellent," everyone heaved a sigh of relief. The Dodge family's territory lay on the essential route from Jars' lands to the capital. With this 'nail' in place, it wouldn't be easy for Jars' main army to smoothly support the capital's rebels.

"However, the problem is that with Jars' rebellion, many hidden powers have become restless. Pirates along the northwest coast and bandits in the southern mountains have suddenly become rampant, causing chaos in the kingdom's security. Currently, many lords are too preoccupied to leave their lands to support the king. Additionally, quite a few seem to be in a wait-and-see state, neither expressing support for Jars nor clearly following the royal family."

A general slammed his fist on the table in front of him. "Those indecisive scoundrels! We can't let them off."

The princess, in military attire, asked the generals, "Do any of you have suggestions for our next move?"

Klein pondered before speaking, "Your Highness, I believe our primary task should still be to recapture the capital. If the capital is not in our hands, it's a significant blow to the morale of the troops and the people. Fortunately, the old Duke Dodge has blocked Jars' main force, which is an excellent opportunity for us."

Everyone agreed with Klein's opinion.

Catherine nodded, then slowly stood up. The generals focused on the princess, knowing she had made a decision.

Commands were issued to the generals.

"Leicester, you must immediately lead 1,000 cavalry to Dodge's territory, day and night, to help the old duke hold the fortress."

"Yes, as long as the fortress stands, I stand; if it falls, I fall!"

"Homan, take your men to scout the rebel situation in the capital and report any developments immediately."


"Dorne, inform chieftain Jarov that he can move. Upon success, he will be officially recognized as the Highland Count of the kingdom."

"I'll see to it right away."

"The rest of you, follow the plan we've set! We must end this war within ten days."

"Understood," the others responded in unison.

The meeting then concluded, and everyone went to arrange their tasks.

Only Count Merlin remained, kneeling to the princess after everyone left.

"I am incompetent, failing to detect the rebellion in time, leading to the fall of the capital and the king's misfortune. I am truly to blame."

"You indeed are," the princess's gaze turned cold.

"The king entrusted you with a significant responsibility – the kingdom's intelligence system. Yet, you let the rebellion happen right under your nose. The fall of the capital, not to mention other impacts, do you know how greatly it has affected our troops' morale, with so many of their families living there?"

Count Merlin bowed his head even lower, feeling the princess's anger. "Please, Your Highness, allow me to accept the death penalty."

"Enough, now is not the time to discuss punishments. From now on, focus the intelligence system on Jars' rebels. Don't miss any detail, no matter how small."

"Yes, I will redeem myself and ensure no such negligence occurs again."

"Also, keep an eye on those fence-sitters. I don't want another rebel force suddenly emerging behind us."

"Certainly. And regarding the local lords, I have a suggestion."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

"For those lords with unclear stances, we can work both overtly and covertly. I'll arrange for more surveillance in secret, while openly, we can send royal commissioners to their lands. They can publicize Jars' crimes and urge them to send troops to support the king, morally pressuring them."

"That's a good plan. There are many nobles from the capital who have fled to our army recently. Choose the royal commissioners from among them. You're in charge of this."

"Yes, I'll arrange it immediately."

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