It feels like someone is drilling into my head. Slowly. Painfully. One drop at a time. Luffy. I need you. An image of Luffy's brilliant smile flashed in my mind, only to be interrupted by yet another drop of ice cold water. There was no pattern to this drip. I could see how quickly this could turn into torment.

All I wanted was to be anywhere else. I imagined myself on the Sunny again, this time, I hummed out the tune to Bink's sake, trying to drown out the drops.

"What are you doing?"

Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo...

"Stop that incessant humming!"

Umikaze Kimakaze namimakaze....

"I mean it!"

    I wasn't listening to him. To me, I was back on the Sunny. I thought back, way back, to before I even got my scarf from Luffy.


    "Misakiiii-chaaaaannnnn" Sanji sang, flitting over to me with a drink. "I made this just for you, my lovely lady."

   "Oh, uh... thanks Sanji..." I said, taking the glass. If anything, whatever this man makes is literally heaven.

   I always thought Sanji was funny and entertaining in the show, but I never realized how annoying he could be to an actual lady.

    Regardless, that drink was absolutely delicious. I had no idea what combination of fruits he put together to make it, but it was my new favorite drink. I figured I would go give him a compliment. I started walking to the kitchen when a big wave swelled. Normally, the Sunny would cut right through such a wave, but this one made the ship shift a little, and I was still learning my sea legs. I stumbled backwards and closed my eyes, readying myself for the impact.

   "Woah! Careful there!" Wait what? I looked up to see Zoro, his hand on the small of my back. He grinned at me. "Your such a clutz."

   "Even when you're being nice, you're still an ass." I sniped, a grin pricking at the corner of my mouth. He bellowed out a laugh and pushed me forward back onto my feet before moving on. I chuckled to myself.

   "Hey M'!" Luffy said, making me jump out of my skin. He appeared out of nowhere, and was suddenly nose-to-nose with me. He was so close, I couldn't help but blush as he snickered at me. "You're silly, you know that?"

   "Silly? You scared the shit out of me!" I stuttered. "Where'd you even come from?"

   "Up there." He said, plainly. He pointed up at the sail mast. Oh. Guess that makes sense. "So... whatcha up to?"

   "Oh, I was just going to go thank Sanji for this drink! It was super good!"

   "Sanji is the best cook in the world." Luffy said, grinning his sunshine grin. "I'll come too!"

   "You just wanna steal from the fridge."

    "You're right!"

   "Don't admit it!!!" I sniped. He just laughed and then followed me to the kitchen.

   "Heeyyyy Sanji, I just wanted to let you know that this was the best drink I have ever had!"

    I noticed Luffy sneaking around toward the cupboards and stifled a giggle.

   "Really, Misaki-chann?!?!" Sanji said with hearts in his eyes. "Is it good enough for a hug?!"

   "I uh... I guess!" I said. This would definitely be a good distraction for Luffy. Sanji opened up his arms and ran towards me dramatically.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now