Finally, Aaron drops Kayla back on her feet, and she leans up to kiss him, making him blush a bit which I think is cute. Everything about their relationship is cute to be honest, and watching them makes me smile.

"Keon and I were just going to the locker room.", Aaron says.

At that moment, I spot a head of curly hair appear behind Aaron and I stiffen.

"Hello Stephanie", he turns to me with a curt nod, and I feel my blood boil.

Two words. That's all it took for me to see red. There is nothing I hate more than hearing my full name.

I force a deep breath to calm me down as I take in his six-foot two frame. As usual, he was dressed in his neat uniform, the white shirt ironed so carefully that there isn't a wrinkle on it, blazer buttoned and tie neatly pulled up. His neatly polished glasses glasses frame his grey eyes which are looking at me with an expression that is both bored and judgmental at the same time, and his blond hair was properly combed and styled so that it fell just an inch below his left eye.

Keon probably spent more time getting ready than the elite girls, and that's saying something. Those girls spend more time getting ready than a literature class takes to end.

"What's up Google", I quip, knowing how much it annoys him. I can thank Quinn – his twin sister and my close friend for that helpful nugget of information.

Keon doesn't even acknowledge my response, but from the way his ears turn red, I know he heard and is annoyed at me.

Mission accomplished.

Nothing gives me more pleasure than pissing off the self-righteous, judgmental jerk.

She is trouble Quinn. Gosh why do you always get yourself involved with bad company. She's on her way to getting expelled or worse, and I don't want you to be dragged down with her.

My face hardens at the memory of Keon's words to Quinn less than a month ago. He didn't know that I was listening at the edge of the corridor. I had never told anyone that I had heard his words or how much they had hurt me – didn't need to fees his ego even more

Kayla gives me a look from where she stands beside Aaron and I sigh dramatically, trying to relax my facial features.

"I was just telling Steph how you helped me study for my literature test", Kayla says to Aaron.

"Yeah, before you got distracted", I wiggle my eyebrows at him and he blushes.

"It's not what you think", Aaron starts, but I interrupt him with a with a laugh.

"I know you guys didn't do the deed", I smirk as they both glare at me very much embarrassed. I decide to take pity on them and change the subject. "I kind of wish I had studied instead though. I partied till late last night and I couldn't find time to study."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Keon roll his eyes and mutter under his breath.

"Got something to say?", I inquire in a falsely sweet voice.

"Actually, we have to be on our way", Aaron interrupts before Keon can respond. He can probably sense that a fight might break out if Keon and I are within any distance of each other because he begins to pull Keon away. "I'll be in the library after school", he yells to Kayla.

"See you then, rulebook", Kayla waves and blows Aaron a kiss.

Kayla turns to glare at me, and I know that I am in for a scolding, but at that moment, Devin shows up, fist bumping me and nodding at Kayla.

"Hey Red", he gives me a grin. "Some party last night huh?"

Devin is one of the biggest party animals in the whole of Meadowbrook high, and he and I attend practically every party together. A lot of people assume that we are dating, but apart from one make out session we had ages ago, our relationship is one of friendship.

"Last night was amazing, but I think it cost me my Literature test today"

"Forget about the Literature exam", Devin rolls his eyes, reminding me again why we get along so well – we both don't do too well in classes. Devin is always having someone to tutor him but so far, it doesn't seem to be helping.

"Look I heard some college guys are throwing a party tonight and all the action is going to be there. Are you and Kayla going to be able to make it?"

I look at Kayla who nods with a smirk. I knew that she would be able to attend since tomorrow is Saturday so we don't have any school

"We'll be there", I nod to Devin. He grins and flicks at my red hair before sauntering off, hands in his pockets.

I turn to Kayla with a smile.

At least the day is looking up.

A/N: Hi loves. Happy Valentine's day and all of that. hope you are enjoying yourselves with your loved ones or friends or even by yourself (I'm enjoying by myself anyway. Not lonely just self-love 🙃)

Anyway this is book two in the love and rules series and it's going to be quite interesting. I'll bu updating on Wednesdays and Saturdays so keep tuned for new chapters. 

Don't forget to vote and comment your opinions. See you in the next chapter 💋💋💋

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