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As you walked up the stairs,

you tried your hardest not to fall right there.
You were a bit out of it, still not letting go of the events that occurred with Yoichi.

Looking up, you caught sight of Kita-san. The lovely lady you helped when you hung out with Julian a few weeks back.

"Hi Kita-san!" You greeted the older lady warmly.

"Oh. Oh! Hello darling, how are you?" She asked, a warm smile gracing her lips.

"I'm well, how about you?" You smiled.

"I'm great, say, how's that boyfriend of yours?" She questioned, her smile never faltering once.

"Oh? Oh him! Yeah sorry but he isn't my boyfriend." You explained what happened to Kita and she completely understood, laughing at the matter.

"Oh young people these days, say, why don't you come and hangout with me? I'm actually going back to my farm today!" She invited you, hoping you'd agree.

"I would love to! It is the holidays so i don't have school anyway. Also, i didn't know you lived on a farm?" You questioned, curious about Kita's life.

"Oh, well i actually come to the city to for my job, but during the holidays i go back home to the farm." Kita explained, a small smile on her face.

"Oh and please call me Yumie, you know, i look at you as if you're my granddaughter!" Yumie chuckled.

What Yumie said touched your heart, a tear threatened to fall from your eye but you refused.

"I'm very glad to have the opportunity to come back to your farm with you!" You exclaimed happily.

Smiling, Yumie nodded her head.

"Let's go now dear, i'd like you to meet someone!"

Arriving at the farm, you hopped out of the car and rushed to the other side to open the door for Yumie. She had driven you guys there and she was quite tired.

"Thank you darling." Yumie thanked, as she grabbed the hand you offered her.

Gripping your hand she walked you to the house.

"You have a very nice farm Yumie-san, it's very beautiful." You complimented, looking at your surroundings.

"Grandma Yumie!" A voice called out.

Looking in front of you and Yumie, you saw a boy who looked around your age. He kind of reminded you of Yumie.

"Shinsuke!" Yumie exclaimed, a big grin on her features.

"Grammy?" Another voice called out, this one was also male.

"Oh, are you and the boys here?" Yumie asked, still holding onto your hand.

"Yeah, they wanted to come over. And uh, who's this?" The boy then proceeded to point at you as to refer to you.

"Oh this is Y/n! She's the lovely girl who helped me with my groceries that one day!" Yumie introduced you.

Waving, you smiled at the male.

"Hi, i'm Y/n, nice to meet you..?"

"Shinsuke. It's a pleasure to meet the girl grandma Yumie raves about." Shinsuke chuckled.

"Hey!" Yumie hit Shinsuke on his shoulder.

"Grammy!" The voice called out again, the assumed owner of the voice jumped onto Shinsuke.

"Agh, Atsumu stop doing that." Shinsuke barked, glaring at the FAKE blonde.

"Loser." Atsumu poked his tongue at Shinsuke, earning a slap on the back of his neck from his twin brother, Osamu.

"Ow!" Atsumu cried.

"Stop yer bitchass whining 'sumu." Osamu blandly said.

"If you didn't hit my neck i wouldn't bloody hafta'!" Atsumu scoffed.

"You idiots, stop fighting in front of Grandma and Y/n." Shinsuke scolded.

"Eh? Who's Y/-. Woah." Atsumu slowly trailed off.

"Yeah, who's tha- oh." Osamu's mouth forming an o shape.

"Um.. Hi?"



haven't proofread !!

guys my crush asked me to stay up and talk to him last night JSJSJSJDJSKSKS

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