Chapter Twenty Four

Începe de la început

We wandered aimlessly through the labyrinthine corridors, the early hour conspiring against us as we searched for a place to satiate our hunger. Despite the myriad of eateries lining the concourse, not a single one beckoned with the promise of sustenance. It was as if the airport had been abandoned in the dead of night, a ghostly reminder of the transience of human activity.

Victoria came to an abrupt halt, her sudden cessation catching me off guard and causing me to collide with her unceremoniously. Ignoring my flustered apology, she scanned the desolate surroundings with a furrowed brow, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "Why the fuck are there so many places to eat but none of them are open?" she muttered under her breath, her words tinged with exasperation.

I opted to remain silent, sensing that her rhetorical question was more a reflection of her own irritation than a genuine inquiry. With a resigned sigh, she resumed her pace, her muttered complaints serving as a dissonant soundtrack to our aimless wanderings.

Despite the tension that hung heavy in the air, I couldn't suppress a small chuckle at the sight of Victoria's disgruntled expression. "McDonald's is open," I interjected, gesturing towards the familiar golden arches that loomed ahead of us like a beacon of hope in the deserted terminal.

Her response was noncommittal, her distaste for fast food evident in the downturn of her lips. "I'm not really a fan of McDonald's, but if you want to go there, then let's go," she conceded, her resignation palpable as she led the way towards the entrance. With a sense of reluctant acquiescence, I followed in her wake, the promise of greasy fare a welcome respite from the barren wasteland of culinary options that surrounded us.

Stepping up to the counter, I greeted the tired-eyed worker with a polite smile, my stomach grumbling in anticipation of the breakfast spread that awaited me. With practiced ease, I placed my order—a hearty breakfast and a frothy cappuccino—and turned expectantly towards Victoria, eager to finalize our meal plans.

"Just a cappuccino for me, please," Victoria interjected, her attention divided between the contents of her handbag and the menu board above the counter. As the worker recited the total, I reached for my wallet, ready to settle the bill with a quick swipe of my card.

But before I could complete the transaction, Victoria's hand shot out to grasp my wrist, halting my movements with surprising force. I blinked in confusion as she smoothly interjected, her voice laced with determination, "I've got this."

My initial disappointment was quickly overshadowed by a gnawing sense of unease. "I told you I was going to pay," I protested weakly, the words laden with a hint of frustration.

Her response was a casual shrug, a nonchalant gesture that belied the gravity of the situation. "Sorry, darling, I didn't hear you say that," she replied with a sly grin, her eyes dancing with mischief.

As we made our way to an empty table, I couldn't shake the lingering sense of discomfort that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. "I literally told you on the escalator when we came in," I reminded her, the words tinged with a note of exasperation.

"Oh, did you? Oops," she murmured, her grin widening into a playful smirk. I shook my head in response, the weight of unspoken fears pressing down upon me like a heavy cloak. I don't want to look like a gold digger. I'm just scared she's going to think I only like her for her money. The thought lingered, a silent specter that cast a shadow over our otherwise lighthearted exchange.

I stole a glance at Victoria, her fingers dancing across the screen of her phone with effortless grace. "Tori?" I ventured cautiously, the weight of my unease pressing down upon me like a suffocating blanket. Her gaze flicked up from the device, concern etching lines of worry across her features as she took note of my discomfort.

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