demon wedding day (09)

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    The air crackled with anticipation, a vibrant mix of demon fire and human laughter. Banners emblazoned with intertwined flames and hearts fluttered in the breeze, and the scent of exotic flowers mingled with the sweet aroma of demon cake (a surprisingly delicious concoction, thanks to Flicker's culinary experiments). Today was the day – Josh and Azal were getting married.

The ceremony, a fusion of human and demon traditions, unfolded beneath a canopy of glowing wisteria. Flicker, adorned in a miniature demon lord suit, served as their ring bearer, his pockets overflowing with sparklers (which, thankfully, he managed not to set off). Rumble, ever the stoic one, stood as best demon, his fiery eyes reflecting a fierce protectiveness for his dads. Sparky, unable to contain his excitement, zipped around the ceremony, leaving a trail of electric glitter in his wake.

Azal, resplendent in obsidian armor intricately etched with flames, looked breathtaking. His fiery eyes, usually filled with mischief, held a depth of emotion as he gazed at Josh. Josh, in a simple white suit that somehow managed to not clash with the vibrant surroundings, radiated love and happiness.

As they exchanged vows, their words spoken in both human and demon tongues, the assembled guests watched with rapt attention. Even gouwin, Azal's fiery ex-wife, sat with a smile, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and genuine joy. She had come, not out of obligation, but because she truly cared for both Azal and Josh, recognizing the love they shared as something rare and precious.

The ceremony concluded with a kiss, a searing ember igniting into a full-blown inferno as the crowd erupted in cheers. The celebration that followed was a whirlwind of laughter, dancing, and inter-dimensional chaos. Rumble, fueled by demon punch (a non-alcoholic concoction, thanks to Josh's cautious intervention), attempted to out-dance Flicker in a breakdance battle. Sparky, his static electricity reaching new heights, chased after fireflies that materialized from Cinders' playful magic.

As the night wore on, Josh found Azal leaning against a balcony, gazing at the starlit sky. "Never thought I'd see the day," Azal chuckled, his voice rumbling with contentment.

Josh smiled, pulling him closer. "Me neither. But then again, who ever thought a demon lord and a human would fall in love, raise three chaotic children, and manage to have a wedding that didn't involve setting fire to the venue?"

Azal laughed, a sound like crackling flames. "True enough. But wouldn't have it any other way."

They stood in silence for a moment, the warmth of their love a shield against the cool night air. The future stretched before them, an unknown adventure filled with laughter, challenges, and maybe even a few more demon-related mishaps. But they knew, with unwavering certainty, that they would face it together, their love a beacon that would guide them through any storm.

The celebration continued, the music echoing through the night. As the first rays of dawn painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Josh and Azal, hand in hand, walked away, their laughter mingling with the chirping of birds. Their journey, a testament to the power of love that transcended worlds and defied expectations, had just begun. And who knows, maybe someday, their story would be told in demon ballads and human fairy tales, a reminder that love, in all its extraordinary forms, could truly conquer all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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