I was able to tame demon children (02)

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  So it turns out the demon lord wanted to take josh to the demon relm as a care taker for his children. although josh is a literal college kid and has no idea in how to raise kids the demon lord insists. As he juggles college life and being a demon lords caretaker he finds himself cherishing the odd looking kids he is looking after.
Josh's jaw hung slacker than a freshman at their first fraternity hazing. Demon babysitter? He could barely keep a cactus alive, let alone navigate the fire-breathing tantrums of demon spawn. Yet, here he stood, staring into the amused eyes of the demon lord, now shrunk down to a suspiciously human-sized version, complete with a mischievous grin.

"Think of it as an internship," the demon lord, Azal, winked. "You'll learn valuable life skills, gain cross-dimensional experience… and keep my adorable infernals out of trouble while I'm… indisposed."

Adorable infernals? The "adorable" creatures currently eyeing him with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws resembled a cross between a gremlin and a gargoyle. One, a tiny imp with bat wings, was attempting to shove a sofa through a portal marked "Eternal chasm of despair while another, a hulking brute with horns, was gnawing on a textbook titled "Advanced Demonology"

"Indisposed?" Josh squeaked, eyeing the churning portal with suspicion. "Like, banished to another dimension, babysitting-abandoning indisposed?"

Azal chuckled, a sound like crackling flames. "Let's just say there's a… minor inter-dimensional treaty violation I need to sort out. A few millennia, tops. Nothing to worry about." He snapped his fingers, and the portal winked shut, leaving Josh alone with his newfound… responsibilities.

The following days were a blur of singed eyebrows, demon-induced fire drills, and questionable culinary experiments involving brimstone and marshmallow fluff. The imp, aptly named Flicker, was a mischievous imp with a penchant for teleporting Josh's belongings into inconvenient locations. The brute, appropriately named Rumble, possessed the emotional maturity of a toddler with a flamethrower. Yet, amidst the chaos, Josh found himself… warming up to them.

He discovered Flicker's mischievousness stemmed from a desire for attention, and Rumble's destructive outbursts were often fueled by frustration over not being able to read. So, Josh improvised. He built a fort out of textbooks (sacrificing one to Flicker's gnawing tendencies), and taught Rumble the alphabet using glowing runes. Slowly, the chaos subsided, replaced by a tentative understanding.

News of his peculiar internship spread through the campus like wildfire. The goth kids were impressed, the jocks bewildered, and the professors… surprisingly supportive. Professor Crowley, known for his eccentric lectures on demonology, even offered to babysit (an offer Josh politely declined, fearing Crowley might actually unleash the "Eternal Chasm of Despair").

As weeks turned into months, Josh found himself dreading Azal's return. He'd grown attached to the little demons, their chaotic energy somehow filling the void in his lonely college life. He wasn't just their caretaker; he was their friend, their teacher, their… well, somewhat bewildered but surprisingly capable demon dad.

When Azal finally reappeared, horns singed and looking mildly sheepish, Josh felt a pang of… something he couldn't quite define. Relief? Disappointment? Maybe a bit of both. Azal, however, seemed genuinely surprised.

"You haven't… destroyed anything?" he asked, eyeing the surprisingly intact apartment.

Josh raised an eyebrow. "They're not that bad. Besides, they learned not to mess with Professor Crowley's grimoires."

Azal burst into laughter, a sound surprisingly warm and genuine. "It seems I underestimated you, mortal. Perhaps… you could continue your internship? On a permanent basis, of course."

Josh hesitated. College, his friends, his normal life… but then he looked at the two little demons, their eyes wide with anticipation. A smile tugged at his lips.

"Alright," he said, extending a hand towards Flicker, who promptly zapped him with a playful bolt of lightning. "Let's just say my life has gotten… interestingly spiced up."

And so, Josh, the accidental demon babysitter, embarked on a new chapter, one filled with fire, brimstone, and the unexpected joys of raising two very unique children. Who knew a Google search at 4 am could lead to such an… infernal-ly delightful adventure?

This is just the beginning of Josh's journey as a demon caretaker. Will he face challenges from other demons or even rival demon lords?  Will he ever confess his growing feelings for the little demons (and maybe even their mischievous father)? The possibilities are endless, and as chaotic as they might be, one thing is certain: Josh's life will never be normal again.

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