An electrifying Baby Imp (06)

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"New addition," Azal announced, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Josh's stomach lurched – was this another sibling situation? He still had nightmares about Xalazar's competitive demon-karaoke night.

This time, however, Azal pulled out a tiny basket, a giggling imp peekabooing from within. "Meet Sparky," Azal cooed, presenting the newest member of their chaotic family – a baby imp, crackling with miniature lightning bolts.

Josh's initial nervousness melted into hesitant awe. Sparky was adorable, albeit in a slightly electrifying way. Flicker, ever the responsible older brother (well, as responsible as an imp could be), immediately assumed babysitting duties, showing Sparky around with a proud grin. Rumble, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic. "More noise?" he grumbled, swatting at a stray thunderbolt.

Despite the chaos, Josh couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. Their family, in all its unorthodox glory, was growing. He glanced at Azal, who caught his gaze and smiled – a smile that spoke volumes of love and shared joy. In that moment, the lack of a formal marriage felt insignificant. Their bond, forged in love, laughter, and demon-raising adventures, was stronger than any ceremony.

Things, of course, weren't all sunshine and sparklers. Sparky, fueled by boundless impish energy, proved to be a master of mischief. He turned Josh's phone into a mini-black hole, dyed Rumble's horns pink (a feat Josh secretly admired), and once managed to teleport himself into the middle of Professor Crowley's demonology lecture, causing momentary pandemonium.

But amidst the chaos, there were moments of pure magic. Sparky's infectious laughter filled the apartment, his tiny hand reaching for Josh's with innocent trust. One evening, nestled under a mountain of blankets, Sparky snuggled close, his electric glow warming Josh's chest. It was in these quiet moments, bathed in the soft glow of Sparky's magic, that the yearning for something more, something official, grew stronger in Josh's heart.

He confided in Azal one night, watching Sparky doze off in Flicker's arms. "I know we're not... traditionally married," Josh mumbled, "but sometimes I wish..."

Azal cupped his face, his touch sending shivers down Josh's spine. "I wish the same, my love," he murmured. "But perhaps our story isn't one bound by traditions. Perhaps our love thrives in the chaos, in the unexpected adventures, in raising fire-breathing children together."

His words filled Josh with a warmth that rivaled Sparky's glow. They might not have a traditional marriage, but their love story, written in demon ink and laughter, was unique, extraordinary, and theirs alone.

And who knows, maybe someday, after navigating demon in-law visits (imagine Azal's parents, one a fire elemental and the other a master of shadows), inter-dimensional school plays (with Sparky's inevitable electrical mishaps), and perhaps even another tiny, addition to their family, (though three is enough for Josh) they might just rewrite the rules and create their own happily ever after – a testament to the fact that love, in all its unconventional forms, could truly conquer all.

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