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“He did what?!” I shouted into the phone, sitting up from the couch. Laughter erupted from the other end of the line. “Did anyone tell Poley?!”

“Ridge ratted him out like an hour ago. I doubt it’ll do any good though,” Doggy replied before distant voices were heard. “Ah shit, I’ve gotta go. I’ll be at your place around 6:30, maybe we can go out for lunch today. Are you feeling up for that?” I hummed and fidgeted with the strings of my hoodie, a stupid smile creeping up on my face. “Sounds good, I’ll see you in a few hours, then. Bye, Jade.”

“Byeeee,” I sang before setting my phone on the counter. The fuck? Why did I just do that? Cringing, I picked up my phone again and dialed a different number, holding it to my ear. “Come on, come on…”

“Hello?” I sighed. “Jade? You alright?”

“Are you busy? It’s kind of important.” I pressed my hand against my forehead and waited for a response. “Great, I’ll be over in 10.”

The drive into the city was so nerve-wracking that I started exceeding the speed limit. Not the best look for a police officer, but it just happened to be the one area where nobody patrols. I unconsciously started tapping my free foot against the ground whenever I was stopped at a traffic light, which only made me feel more nervous.

I pulled into the parking lot and hurriedly left the car, knocking rapidly on the door of the Safe Place. Zizzy swung it open less than a second later and froze. “Hey. What’s going on? Are you okay?”

“I have a problem,” I mumbled, sighing. She stepped to the side for me to enter. I kicked off my shoes and flopped down on the couch before she followed. With my face in my hands, I groaned.

“I can tell. Talk to me, how can I help?’

Quickly, I dropped my hands and turned to face her. “How do I tell someone that I have feelings for them without ruining our friendship?” Her jaw dropped before a cheesy smile grew on her face. “No, don’t do that. Seriously, Ziz, I don’t know what I should do.” She held her hands in the air and stared at me.

“What do you mean you don’t know? Tell him how you feel!” Being the worrywart that I was, I shook my head and straightened up on the couch.

“You’re making it sound easier than it actually is. What if he doesn’t feel the same way? What if it makes things awkward between us? …What if I lose him because of it?” I sighed and dropped my head. “We’ve been friends for 17 years, Zizzy. I can’t lose him. I don’t wanna-”

“Jade, girl, you’ve gotta stop overthinking every little detail. Just take a second to think, what if he feels the same way?” I shook my head before she shushed me. “You’ll never know unless you tell him how you feel.” She reached out and rubbed my shoulder. “Look, I’ve seen how well you two work together. Disagreements? They last 5 minutes and then it’s like they never happen. Bad days? Within an hour you’re both smiling and goofing off together. You bring out the best in each other, there’s no denying that.

“Look, you may not believe it, but trust me when I say you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Besides…” She smirked. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. If that doesn’t mean something, then I don’t know what does.”

I stared at the ground before silently nodding. “I… guess you’re right.” With a groan, I hid my face with my hands. “When did you get so good at giving romance advice?” She burst out laughing before shrugging. “Fine, I’ll tell him tonight.” A satisfied smile broke out on her face before she gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze.

“Atta girl. Text me how it goes, okay? I’m only a phone call away if you need me.” I chuckled before she pulled me into a loose hug. “See you soon, girlfriend.” I waved as she hurried up the stairs.

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