Don't say anything that ruins the mood

Start from the beginning

The air seemed heavy with anticipation, each breath drawn with a sense of apprehension.

With each passing moment, the tension mounted, echoing the tumultuous emotions swirling within her.

Anu ma informed Dadi that Yuvin had arrived and had been directed to get ready in another room.

"He seems angry," Anu ma noted, causing Agnes to feel a pang of concern at the mention of his mood.

Agnes was positioned in the center of the bed, her face veiled as if awaiting her husband's arrival.

"Don't lift the veil until he comes," Dadi instructed before everyone exited the room.

"I need to speak with Agnes. Anu, prepare some milk," Dadi added.

After a while,

Agnes silenced her phone and bid Anish goodnight.

As Yuvin entered the room, intending to retire for the night, he noticed the elaborate decorations and his wife seated on the bed, her demeanor suggesting a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

His eyes fell upon the carefully arranged decorations adorning the space, each detail meticulously placed to create an atmosphere of intimacy and romance.

His gaze then shifted to his wife, seated on the bed, awaiting his arrival with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

The soft glow of the dim lighting illuminated her features, casting a mesmerizing aura around her.

Despite the veil that partially obscured her face, her presence exuded a captivating allure that drew him in.

With each step closer to her, he felt a surge of emotions, a combination of excitement and reverence for the momentous occasion ahead.

As he took his place before her, his heart swelled with a sense of lust and affection, knowing that this night marked the beginning of their journey together as husband and wife.

She clutched her saree tightly, as if bracing herself for his presence.

Yuvin approached her and took his place before her.

The tantalizing fragrance emanating from her, coupled with the atmosphere of the room, stirred something within him.Gently, he placed his hand on hers.

"Why are you hiding your face?" Yuvin inquired softly.

"Dadi said only you should unveil it," she replied.

He smiled tenderly and lifted the veil, revealing her gaze.

"Yuvin," Agnes began to speak, but he interrupted her sternly.

"Don't say anything that ruins the mood. I've had enough for one day ", Yuvin completed.

Agnes remained silent as he rose from his seat and extended his hand towards her. She met his gaze, and he nodded reassuringly. Tentatively, she placed her hand in his.

Leading her gently, he guided her to stand before the mirror. "If I had known you would look so stunning in a simple dress, I would have suggested a simpler saree for the wedding," he complimented her.

Agnes was speechless, her heart fluttering at his words. As he tenderly rested his hand on her belly, she felt a rush of warmth, though her mind lingered on worries about the employees and her own unexpected blush.

Turning to face each other, their eyes locked. Yuvin pressed a kiss to her forehead, then her eyes, nose, and chin, lingering on her lips.

Sensing her hesitation, she attempted to withdraw.

" Never try ", Yuvin reminds her pulling her towards him. He cups her chin and place his lips on her lips.

Agnes closed her eyes and Yuvin closed his eyes too feeling the soft lips of her.

His hand that was enjoying her belly button moves little up to catch her breast. His hand was working on her blouse.

Agnes pushed him away and retreated to the other side of the bed.

Yuvin extinguished the lights and approached her.

Gently, he held her face and kissed her once more.

"Yu..." Agnes attempted to speak, but her words trailed off.

He guided her to lie down on the bed beside him, and he lay close to her.

Yuvin deepened the kiss, his desire evident as he removed her saree, leaving only her blouse as a barrier.

Agnes gripped his hand, but he issued a word, "I'll tie your hands if you interfere."

Removing his own shirt, Yuvin sat before her, partially exposed.

She was then dressed in a seductive bra and panties, which elicited an intense reaction from him.

Seated on the bed, his back against the wall, he called out to her, "Agnes."

She met his gaze.

"Come sit on my lap," he gestured, his lap clad only in boxers.

Agnes remained silent.

" Don't make me repeat my words ", he requests her.

She get up to go to his lap. When she was about to sit, he stopped her from sitting in his lap.

" Stay still " he advises.

She was standing before him with her legs on both sides.

He gives rest to her remaining half of the saree and her skirt. He placed his head between her thighs and rested for a few seconds.

He pulls her into his lap, and she ends up sitting there. His kiss is slow and smooth. Agnes wants to turn her face away, but he holds her tight.

" You are sexy ", he appreciates her pulling her close to his body.

" I thought you are not interested for this wedding. But when dadi said you said okay for this, I can't believe my ears. I hope ", Yuvin wanted confirmation from her before proceeding.

Agnes thinks on.

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