4. Bloody mess

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I didnt know Clubbing could be so fun. I could feel myself vibing with the music.
“Three tequila shots up for the three beautiful ladies,” the bartender said while placing our drinks on table.
Ella thanked the bartender before he disappeared into the crowd.

As i reached out to grab my drink i heard iris' joyful tone screaming "cheers!!!!!!"

“Hey, Ella! Now that i remember Didn't you mention earlier that you have a date tomorrow?” my curiosity started talking.
"Hey pause, tell me who is the lucky guy. Is he someone, we know?” Iris chirpped in
"what's with so many questions? Slow down ...let me at least enjoy my drink.” ella replied with a rosy face.

And before we could tease her anymore i felt my phone vibrating. I looked over my screen and a familiar name popped up.
My happy expression was suddenly taken over by darkness.

"who is it?" Iris had a look of worry in her eyes.

“It's Alex” i replied monotonously

"What really? why the heck is he calling you after he ghosted you for 6 months?” ella started rambling

"you are gonna pick up his call?" Iris asked

I sighed with frustration and took a deep breath before sliding over my screen to answer his call.

An Unpleasant familiar voice said " hey Rieze! I know you are mad at me but can you lend me some cash?”

"Do you just think of me now that you are in need of money? Am i just a money bank to you?" I could feel rage taking over my mind.

"I thought i could ask you as we had a thing between us" his disgusting voice was getting bolder.

“Who the f**k are you to ask me?”
And before i knew Angry tears were rolling down my cheek.

"You are such a jerk" i screamed into the phone before hanging up on him

Iris asked me with a anxious look ”what is it? What’s wrong? "
Ella too sounded concerned ”Are you okay?”

I didn't want to answer them yet so I excused myself and rushed to the washroom.

I felt my eyes get swollen due to all the crying.
My chest getting heavy with pain each second.
I couldn't think of anything anymore.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror and somehow it reminded me of my Miserable state.
It took time for me to calm down.
I was now ready to face the problem and let go of things that have weighed me down.

I was walking in the hallway when I heard muffled sounds coming from the other end.

Rooted at the spot i felt chills run down my spine as I heared someone screaming.

Foolish me Instead of calling someone for help, I ran towards the direction where sounds were coming from.

I was at the dead end with only the elevator ahead of me. I took small steps further. All I could hear was pin drop silence.
I got paralyzed looking at the horrified scene. A guy layed down there with multiple stabs, his chest was covered with blood and the knife was stuck right in his heart.

I tried checking his pulse to see whether he was alive or dead. I was hoping that he could make it but the result turned out to be the exact opposite.

Before i could think of something i heard ruffling sound behind me. I tried standing up but felt weak in my knees and ended up in the pool of cold blood that was once warm. Fear creeped into me as i could hear someone breathing behind my back.

I was frozen and I didn't know how to react anymore.
Could this day get any further worse?

And the last thing i remembered was screaming on top of my lungs before losing consciousness and slipping into darkness.



Its always fun hanging out with friends.

With our drinks also came questions.
I told them to give me a break and I'll answer their question but suddenly Riezel's phone started ringing.

My gut feeling told me this was bad and soon it was confirmed with Riezels dejected look.

"who is it?" Iris asked

“It's Alex” answered her emotionless voice.

And next thing i knew was i was cursing at him. He deserved it though. That piece of lowly shit.

I couldn't  believe  that guy had some nerves to call her after he ghosted her for 6 months.

"you are gonna pick up his call?" Said iris the only rational one right now.

Riezel didn't waited any longer and answered his call.

I could feel the tension in the moment. I could feel my grip on the glass getting tighter.

After their small chat Her mood got worse and she  rushed herself to go to washroom keeping us hanging.

I knew that very second that jerk would have asked money instead of apologizing to her.

I couldn't follow her cause i knew she was in pain and I didn't wanted her to think that I pity her situation. So I just  remained silent .

Iris too looked trouble about it and decided to follow her. I thought she might wanted to look out for her so i let it go.

I drank with frustration as i couldn't think straight.
Suddenly I heard a scream and in the next minute people rushed to see what had happened.

My heartbeat increased as I pushed myself through the crowd and i saw something that i never want to see again, i saw Riezel unconscious laying down with Her face pale as a sheet of paper.

I rushed towards her to wake her up but she didn't  respond at all. I reached out to rub her hand.

And only then i realised she was holding a bloody knife in her hand and there was a dead body inside the elevator in a bloody mess. I could feel my stomach churn.

I couldn't get my head around things i was looking at. Riezel would never do this i knew someone must be trying to frame her. She is such an angel, how could she hurt any soul.

Ambulance siren rang throughout the street and soon the medical staff rushed riezel to the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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